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Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской

Перечень производственных этапов и коды



0_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Гибкая маска

1_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Excel файл

2_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Cоздать маску ввода

3_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Создать лист „AUSW“

4_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Создать лист „POMO“

5_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Cоздать Label „AnReB“

6_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Cоздать ComboBox „CoB1“

7_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Cоздать счетчик „ReLi”

8_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Cоздать счетчик SpinButton1

9_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Cоздать счетчик SpinButton2

10_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Создать CommandButton1_2_3

11_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Создать рамку „FMPSUCH“

12_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Cоздать Label „SPALTB2“.

13_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Создать заголовки столбцов C до H

14_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Создать заголовки столбцов I до N

15_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Cоздать ComboBox1

16_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Создать ComboBoxы для столбцов C до H

17_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Создать ComboBoxы для столбцов I до N

18_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Кнопку „Найти“ создать.

19_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Cоздать Label „LLAABBEELL1“.

20_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Создать „LLAABBEELL2“ до LLAABBEELL7“.

21_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Создать „LLAABBEELL8“ до LLAABBEELL13“.

22_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Создать рамку „FMPDATE“

23_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Cоздать Label1

24_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Создать Label2 до Label7

25_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Создать Label8 до Label13

26_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Cоздать ComboBox14

27_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Создать ComboBox15 до ComboBox20

28_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Создать ComboBox21 до ComboBox26

29_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Создать рамку „FMPEIN“

30_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Cоздать Label SPALTA“

31_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Создать заголовки столбцов B до H

32_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Создать заголовки столбцов I до N

33_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Cоздать ComboBox „KuNr“

34_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Cоздать TextBox „TBB1“

35_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Создать поля „TBB2“ до „TBB8“

36_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Создать поля „TBB9“ до „TBB13“

37_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Кнопку „ENT“ создать.

38_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Кнопки „ABBBR“, „ALLoesch“, „EinLo“ создать

39_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Последовательность активации в рамке „FMPEIN“

40_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Cоздать Label „LLAAB1“.

41_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Создать Label „LLAAB1“ до „LLAAB8“

42_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Создать Label „LLAAB9“ до „LLAAB13“

43_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Cоздать Label14

44_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Создать Label15 до Label21

45_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Создать Label22 до Label26

46_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Cоздать TextBox „LIPA“.

47_Создание программы базы данных в Excel с гибкой маской_Код в Userform11 ввести.







On Error GoTo EERR

Dim BLATBLAT As Integer

For BLATBLAT = 1 To Worksheets.Count


ActiveWindow.View = xlNormalView




Exit Sub








On Error GoTo EERR

ActiveSheet.Name = "AUSW"

Exit Sub








On Error GoTo EERR

ActiveSheet.Name = "POMO"

Exit Sub










Private Sub ABBBR_Click()

On Error GoTo EERR

KuNr.Enabled = True

KuNr.BackColor = &HC0FFFF

KuNr = ""

TBB1 = ""

TBB2 = ""

TBB3 = ""

TBB4 = ""

TBB5 = ""

TBB6 = ""

TBB7 = ""

TBB8 = ""

TBB9 = ""

TBB10 = ""

TBB11 = ""

TBB12 = ""

TBB13 = ""

Exit Sub



End Sub


Private Sub ALLoesch_Click()

On Error GoTo EERR

Unload Me

KuNr.Enabled = True

KuNr.BackColor = &HC0FFFF

Dim AAAA As Variant

Dim strSuchen As Variant

KuNr = ""

TBB1 = ""

TBB2 = ""

TBB3 = ""

TBB4 = ""

TBB5 = ""

TBB6 = ""

TBB7 = ""

TBB8 = ""

TBB9 = ""

TBB10 = ""

TBB11 = ""

TBB12 = ""

TBB13 = ""

AAAA = MsgBox("" & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "Вы действительно хотите все удалить?" & Chr(13) & "", vbYesNo, "       Удалить все")

        If AAAA = vbNo Then

         Exit Sub


      End If

      strSuchen = Application.InputBox(Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & " Пароль:", "       Удалить все ")

   If strSuchen <> 3 Then

     MsgBox "Пароль неверен!", , "       Удалить все"

   Exit Sub


End If

ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:="3"

ActiveSheet.Range("a9:n1048576").Value = ""

MsgBox "Все удалено!", 48, ""

Exit Sub



End Sub


Private Sub AUSWERTEN2_Click()

On Error GoTo ERR

If POMO.[c1] = "" Then

MsgBox "Обновите поисковый запрос!", , "       Найти"

Exit Sub

End If

Dim AAAZ As Long

Dim AAAC As Long

Dim AAA As Object

Dim AAR As Long

AUSW.Range("a1:n1048576") = ""

For AAR = 1 To 14

AUSW.Cells(1, AAR) = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, AAR)

AUSW.Cells(2, AAR) = ActiveSheet.Cells(2, AAR)

AUSW.Cells(3, AAR) = ActiveSheet.Cells(3, AAR)

AUSW.Cells(4, AAR) = ActiveSheet.Cells(4, AAR)

AUSW.Cells(5, AAR) = ActiveSheet.Cells(5, AAR)

AUSW.Cells(6, AAR) = ActiveSheet.Cells(6, AAR)

AUSW.Cells(7, AAR) = ActiveSheet.Cells(7, AAR)

Next AAR

    Dim НАЙТИNN As Variant

    Dim SCHET As Long

    Dim firstAddress

    Dim FORMATIRUNG As Integer

    SCHET = 8



    If ComboBox1 <> "" Then

    НАЙТИNN = POMO.[c1]

    If НАЙТИNN <> "" Then

          With ActiveSheet.Range("b8:b1048576")

          If ActiveSheet.[erb1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

              Set AAA = ActiveSheet.Range("b8:b1048576").Find(CDate(POMO.[c1]), lookat:=xlWhole)


              Set AAA = ActiveSheet.Range("b8:b1048576").Find(POMO.[c1], lookat:=xlWhole)

              End If


              If Not AAA Is Nothing Then

                  firstAddress = AAA.Address


                                AAAZ = CDbl(AAA.Row)

                                AAAC = CDbl(AAA.Column)


                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 1)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 2) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 3) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 1)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 4) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 2)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 5) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 3)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 6) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 4)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 7) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 5)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 8) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 6)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 9) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 7)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 10) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 8)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 11) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 9)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 12) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 10)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 13) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 11)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 14) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 12)


                    For FORMATIRUNG = 0 To 13


If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "@" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "@"

End If

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "General" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "General"

End If

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

End If

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "h:mm"

End If


                    Next FORMATIRUNG




                      Set AAA = .FindNext(AAA)


                      SCHET = SCHET + 1

                  Loop While Not AAA Is Nothing And AAA.Address <> firstAddress

              End If

          End With

   Set AAA = Nothing

   End If

   End If

    If ComboBox2 <> "" Then

    НАЙТИNN = POMO.[c1]

    If НАЙТИNN <> "" Then

          With ActiveSheet.Range("c8:c1048576")

          If ActiveSheet.[erc1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

              Set AAA = ActiveSheet.Range("c8:c1048576").Find(CDate(POMO.[c1]), lookat:=xlWhole)


              Set AAA = ActiveSheet.Range("c8:c1048576").Find(POMO.[c1], lookat:=xlWhole)

              End If



              If Not AAA Is Nothing Then

                  firstAddress = AAA.Address


                                AAAZ = CDbl(AAA.Row)

                                AAAC = CDbl(AAA.Column)


                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 2)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 2) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 1)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 3) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 4) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 1)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 5) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 2)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 6) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 3)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 7) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 4)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 8) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 5)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 9) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 6)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 10) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 7)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 11) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 8)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 12) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 9)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 13) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 10)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 14) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 11)


                                        For FORMATIRUNG = 0 To 13


If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 2 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "@" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "@"

End If

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 2 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "General" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "General"

End If

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 2 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

End If

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 2 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "h:mm"

End If


                    Next FORMATIRUNG




                      Set AAA = .FindNext(AAA)


                      SCHET = SCHET + 1

                  Loop While Not AAA Is Nothing And AAA.Address <> firstAddress

              End If

          End With

   Set AAA = Nothing

   End If

   End If

    If ComboBox3 <> "" Then

    НАЙТИNN = POMO.[c1]

    If НАЙТИNN <> "" Then

          With ActiveSheet.Range("d8:d1048576")

          If ActiveSheet.[erd1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

              Set AAA = ActiveSheet.Range("d8:d1048576").Find(CDate(POMO.[c1]), lookat:=xlWhole)


              Set AAA = ActiveSheet.Range("d8:d1048576").Find(POMO.[c1], lookat:=xlWhole)

              End If



              If Not AAA Is Nothing Then

                  firstAddress = AAA.Address


                                AAAZ = CDbl(AAA.Row)

                                AAAC = CDbl(AAA.Column)


                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 3)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 2) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 2)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 3) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 1)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 4) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 5) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 1)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 6) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 2)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 7) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 3)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 8) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 4)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 9) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 5)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 10) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 6)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 11) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 7)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 12) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 8)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 13) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 9)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 14) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 10)

                                                            For FORMATIRUNG = 0 To 13


If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 3 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "@" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "@"

End If

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 3 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "General" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "General"

End If

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 3 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

End If

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 3 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "h:mm"

End If


                    Next FORMATIRUNG





                      Set AAA = .FindNext(AAA)


                      SCHET = SCHET + 1

                  Loop While Not AAA Is Nothing And AAA.Address <> firstAddress

              End If

          End With

   Set AAA = Nothing

   End If

   End If

    If ComboBox4 <> "" Then

    НАЙТИNN = POMO.[c1]

    If НАЙТИNN <> "" Then

          With ActiveSheet.Range("e8:e1048576")

          If ActiveSheet.[ere1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

              Set AAA = ActiveSheet.Range("e8:e1048576").Find(CDate(POMO.[c1]), lookat:=xlWhole)


              Set AAA = ActiveSheet.Range("e8:e1048576").Find(POMO.[c1], lookat:=xlWhole)

              End If



              If Not AAA Is Nothing Then

                  firstAddress = AAA.Address


                                AAAZ = CDbl(AAA.Row)

                                AAAC = CDbl(AAA.Column)


                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 4)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 2) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 3)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 3) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 2)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 4) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 1)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 5) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 6) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 1)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 7) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 2)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 8) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 3)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 9) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 4)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 10) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 5)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 11) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 6)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 12) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 7)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 13) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 8)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 14) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 9)

                                                            For FORMATIRUNG = 0 To 13


If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 4 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "@" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "@"

End If

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 4 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "General" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "General"

End If

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 4 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

End If

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 4 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "h:mm"

End If


                    Next FORMATIRUNG





                      Set AAA = .FindNext(AAA)


                      SCHET = SCHET + 1

                  Loop While Not AAA Is Nothing And AAA.Address <> firstAddress

              End If

          End With

   Set AAA = Nothing

   End If

   End If

    If ComboBox5 <> "" Then

    НАЙТИNN = POMO.[c1]

    If НАЙТИNN <> "" Then

          With ActiveSheet.Range("f8:f1048576")

          If ActiveSheet.[erf1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

              Set AAA = ActiveSheet.Range("f8:f1048576").Find(CDate(POMO.[c1]), lookat:=xlWhole)


              Set AAA = ActiveSheet.Range("f8:f1048576").Find(POMO.[c1], lookat:=xlWhole)

              End If



              If Not AAA Is Nothing Then

                  firstAddress = AAA.Address


                                AAAZ = CDbl(AAA.Row)

                                AAAC = CDbl(AAA.Column)


                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 5)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 2) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 4)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 3) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 3)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 4) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 2)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 5) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 1)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 6) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 7) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 1)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 8) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 2)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 9) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 3)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 10) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 4)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 11) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 5)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 12) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 6)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 13) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 7)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 14) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 8)

                                                            For FORMATIRUNG = 0 To 13


If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 5 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "@" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "@"

End If

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 5 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "General" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "General"

End If

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 5 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

End If

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 5 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "h:mm"

End If


                    Next FORMATIRUNG





                      Set AAA = .FindNext(AAA)


                      SCHET = SCHET + 1

                  Loop While Not AAA Is Nothing And AAA.Address <> firstAddress

              End If

          End With

   Set AAA = Nothing

   End If

   End If

    If ComboBox6 <> "" Then

    НАЙТИNN = POMO.[c1]

    If НАЙТИNN <> "" Then

          With ActiveSheet.Range("g8:g1048576")

          If ActiveSheet.[erg1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

              Set AAA = ActiveSheet.Range("g8:g1048576").Find(CDate(POMO.[c1]), lookat:=xlWhole)


              Set AAA = ActiveSheet.Range("g8:g1048576").Find(POMO.[c1], lookat:=xlWhole)

              End If



              If Not AAA Is Nothing Then

                  firstAddress = AAA.Address


                                AAAZ = CDbl(AAA.Row)

                                AAAC = CDbl(AAA.Column)


                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 6)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 2) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 5)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 3) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 4)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 4) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 3)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 5) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 2)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 6) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 1)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 7) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 8) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 1)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 9) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 2)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 10) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 3)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 11) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 4)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 12) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 5)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 13) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 6)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 14) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 7)

                                                            For FORMATIRUNG = 0 To 13


If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 6 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "@" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "@"

End If

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 6 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "General" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "General"

End If

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 6 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

End If

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 6 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "h:mm"

End If


                    Next FORMATIRUNG





                      Set AAA = .FindNext(AAA)


                      SCHET = SCHET + 1

                  Loop While Not AAA Is Nothing And AAA.Address <> firstAddress

              End If

          End With

   Set AAA = Nothing

   End If

   End If

    If ComboBox7 <> "" Then

    НАЙТИNN = POMO.[c1]

    If НАЙТИNN <> "" Then

          With ActiveSheet.Range("h8:h1048576")

          If ActiveSheet.[erh1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

              Set AAA = ActiveSheet.Range("h8:h1048576").Find(CDate(POMO.[c1]), lookat:=xlWhole)


              Set AAA = ActiveSheet.Range("h8:h1048576").Find(POMO.[c1], lookat:=xlWhole)

              End If



              If Not AAA Is Nothing Then

                  firstAddress = AAA.Address


                                AAAZ = CDbl(AAA.Row)

                                AAAC = CDbl(AAA.Column)


                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 7)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 2) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 6)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 3) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 5)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 4) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 4)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 5) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 3)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 6) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 2)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 7) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 1)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 8) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 9) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 1)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 10) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 2)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 11) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 3)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 12) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 4)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 13) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 5)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 14) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 6)

                                                            For FORMATIRUNG = 0 To 13


If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 7 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "@" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "@"

End If

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 7 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "General" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "General"

End If

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 7 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

End If

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 7 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "h:mm"

End If


                    Next FORMATIRUNG





                      Set AAA = .FindNext(AAA)


                      SCHET = SCHET + 1

                  Loop While Not AAA Is Nothing And AAA.Address <> firstAddress

              End If

          End With

   Set AAA = Nothing

   End If

   End If

    If ComboBox8 <> "" Then

    НАЙТИNN = POMO.[c1]

    If НАЙТИNN <> "" Then

          With ActiveSheet.Range("i8:i1048576")

          If ActiveSheet.[eri1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

              Set AAA = ActiveSheet.Range("i8:i1048576").Find(CDate(POMO.[c1]), lookat:=xlWhole)


              Set AAA = ActiveSheet.Range("i8:i1048576").Find(POMO.[c1], lookat:=xlWhole)

              End If


              If Not AAA Is Nothing Then

                  firstAddress = AAA.Address


                                AAAZ = CDbl(AAA.Row)

                                AAAC = CDbl(AAA.Column)


                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 8)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 2) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 7)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 3) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 6)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 4) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 5)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 5) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 4)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 6) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 3)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 7) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 2)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 8) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 1)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 9) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 10) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 1)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 11) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 2)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 12) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 3)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 13) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 4)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 14) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 5)

                                                            For FORMATIRUNG = 0 To 13


If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 8 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "@" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "@"

End If

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 8 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "General" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "General"

End If

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 8 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

End If

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 8 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "h:mm"

End If


                    Next FORMATIRUNG





                      Set AAA = .FindNext(AAA)


                      SCHET = SCHET + 1

                  Loop While Not AAA Is Nothing And AAA.Address <> firstAddress

              End If

          End With

   Set AAA = Nothing

   End If

   End If

    If ComboBox9 <> "" Then

    НАЙТИNN = POMO.[c1]

    If НАЙТИNN <> "" Then

          With ActiveSheet.Range("j8:j1048576")

          If ActiveSheet.[erj1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

              Set AAA = ActiveSheet.Range("j8:j1048576").Find(CDate(POMO.[c1]), lookat:=xlWhole)


              Set AAA = ActiveSheet.Range("j8:j1048576").Find(POMO.[c1], lookat:=xlWhole)

              End If



              If Not AAA Is Nothing Then

                  firstAddress = AAA.Address


                                AAAZ = CDbl(AAA.Row)

                                AAAC = CDbl(AAA.Column)


                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 9)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 2) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 8)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 3) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 7)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 4) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 6)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 5) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 5)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 6) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 4)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 7) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 3)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 8) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 2)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 9) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 1)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 10) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 11) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 1)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 12) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 2)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 13) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 3)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 14) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 4)

                                                            For FORMATIRUNG = 0 To 13


If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 9 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "@" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "@"

End If

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 9 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "General" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "General"

End If

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 9 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

End If

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 9 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "h:mm"

End If


                    Next FORMATIRUNG





                      Set AAA = .FindNext(AAA)


                      SCHET = SCHET + 1

                  Loop While Not AAA Is Nothing And AAA.Address <> firstAddress

              End If

          End With

   Set AAA = Nothing

   End If

   End If

    If ComboBox10 <> "" Then

    НАЙТИNN = POMO.[c1]

    If НАЙТИNN <> "" Then

          With ActiveSheet.Range("k8:k1048576")

          If ActiveSheet.[erk1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

              Set AAA = ActiveSheet.Range("k8:k1048576").Find(CDate(POMO.[c1]), lookat:=xlWhole)


              Set AAA = ActiveSheet.Range("k8:k1048576").Find(POMO.[c1], lookat:=xlWhole)

              End If



              If Not AAA Is Nothing Then

                  firstAddress = AAA.Address


                                AAAZ = CDbl(AAA.Row)

                                AAAC = CDbl(AAA.Column)


                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 10)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 2) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 9)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 3) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 8)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 4) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 7)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 5) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 6)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 6) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 5)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 7) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 4)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 8) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 3)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 9) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 2)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 10) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 1)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 11) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 12) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 1)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 13) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 2)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 14) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 3)

                                                            For FORMATIRUNG = 0 To 13


If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 10 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "@" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "@"

End If

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 10 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "General" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "General"

End If

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 10 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

End If

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 10 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "h:mm"

End If


                    Next FORMATIRUNG





                      Set AAA = .FindNext(AAA)


                      SCHET = SCHET + 1

                  Loop While Not AAA Is Nothing And AAA.Address <> firstAddress

              End If

          End With

   Set AAA = Nothing

   End If

   End If

    If ComboBox11 <> "" Then

    НАЙТИNN = POMO.[c1]

    If НАЙТИNN <> "" Then

          With ActiveSheet.Range("l8:l1048576")

          If ActiveSheet.[erl1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

              Set AAA = ActiveSheet.Range("l8:l1048576").Find(CDate(POMO.[c1]), lookat:=xlWhole)


              Set AAA = ActiveSheet.Range("l8:l1048576").Find(POMO.[c1], lookat:=xlWhole)

              End If



              If Not AAA Is Nothing Then

                  firstAddress = AAA.Address


                                AAAZ = CDbl(AAA.Row)

                                AAAC = CDbl(AAA.Column)


                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 11)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 2) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 10)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 3) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 9)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 4) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 8)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 5) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 7)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 6) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 6)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 7) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 5)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 8) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 4)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 9) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 3)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 10) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 2)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 11) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 1)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 12) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 13) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 1)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 14) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 2)

                                         For FORMATIRUNG = 0 To 13

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 11 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "@" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "@"

End If

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 11 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "General" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "General"

End If

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 11 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

End If

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 11 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "h:mm"

End If


                    Next FORMATIRUNG





                      Set AAA = .FindNext(AAA)


                      SCHET = SCHET + 1

                  Loop While Not AAA Is Nothing And AAA.Address <> firstAddress

              End If

          End With

   Set AAA = Nothing

   End If

   End If

    If ComboBox12 <> "" Then

    НАЙТИNN = POMO.[c1]

    If НАЙТИNN <> "" Then

          With ActiveSheet.Range("m8:m1048576")

          If ActiveSheet.[erm1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

              Set AAA = ActiveSheet.Range("m8:m1048576").Find(CDate(POMO.[c1]), lookat:=xlWhole)


              Set AAA = ActiveSheet.Range("m8:m1048576").Find(POMO.[c1], lookat:=xlWhole)

              End If



              If Not AAA Is Nothing Then

                  firstAddress = AAA.Address


                                AAAZ = CDbl(AAA.Row)

                                AAAC = CDbl(AAA.Column)


                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 12)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 2) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 11)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 3) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 10)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 4) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 9)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 5) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 8)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 6) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 7)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 7) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 6)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 8) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 5)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 9) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 4)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 10) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 3)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 11) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 2)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 12) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 1)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 13) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 14) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 1)

                                         For FORMATIRUNG = 0 To 13

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 12 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "@" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "@"

End If

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 12 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "General" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "General"

End If

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 12 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

End If

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 12 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "h:mm"

End If


                    Next FORMATIRUNG





                      Set AAA = .FindNext(AAA)


                      SCHET = SCHET + 1

                  Loop While Not AAA Is Nothing And AAA.Address <> firstAddress

              End If

          End With

   Set AAA = Nothing

   End If

   End If

    If ComboBox13 <> "" Then

    НАЙТИNN = POMO.[c1]

    If НАЙТИNN <> "" Then

          With ActiveSheet.Range("n8:n1048576")

          If ActiveSheet.[ern1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

              Set AAA = ActiveSheet.Range("n8:n1048576").Find(CDate(POMO.[c1]), lookat:=xlWhole)


              Set AAA = ActiveSheet.Range("n8:n1048576").Find(POMO.[c1], lookat:=xlWhole)

              End If



              If Not AAA Is Nothing Then

                  firstAddress = AAA.Address


                                AAAZ = CDbl(AAA.Row)

                                AAAC = CDbl(AAA.Column)


                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 13)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 2) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 12)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 3) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 11)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 4) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 10)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 5) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 9)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 6) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 8)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 7) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 7)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 8) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 6)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 9) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 5)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 10) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 4)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 11) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 3)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 12) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 2)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 13) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 1)

                    Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 14) = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC)

                                         For FORMATIRUNG = 0 To 13

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 13 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "@" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "@"

End If

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 13 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "General" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "General"

End If

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 13 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

End If

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 13 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

Worksheets("AUSW").Cells(SCHET, 1 + FORMATIRUNG).NumberFormat = "h:mm"

End If


                    Next FORMATIRUNG





                      Set AAA = .FindNext(AAA)


                      SCHET = SCHET + 1

                  Loop While Not AAA Is Nothing And AAA.Address <> firstAddress

              End If

          End With

   Set AAA = Nothing

   End If

   End If


ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).ColumnWidth = 40

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).EntireColumn.AutoFit

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 2).ColumnWidth = 40

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 2).EntireColumn.AutoFit

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 3).ColumnWidth = 40

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 3).EntireColumn.AutoFit

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 4).ColumnWidth = 40

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 4).EntireColumn.AutoFit

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 5).ColumnWidth = 40

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 5).EntireColumn.AutoFit

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 6).ColumnWidth = 40

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 6).EntireColumn.AutoFit

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 7).ColumnWidth = 40

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 7).EntireColumn.AutoFit

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 8).ColumnWidth = 40

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 8).EntireColumn.AutoFit

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 9).ColumnWidth = 40

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 9).EntireColumn.AutoFit

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 10).ColumnWidth = 40

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 10).EntireColumn.AutoFit

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 11).ColumnWidth = 40

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 11).EntireColumn.AutoFit

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 12).ColumnWidth = 40

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 12).EntireColumn.AutoFit

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 13).ColumnWidth = 40

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 13).EntireColumn.AutoFit

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 14).ColumnWidth = 40

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 14).EntireColumn.AutoFit


Exit Sub



End Sub


Private Sub CoB1_Change()

On Error GoTo EERR

CoB1.BackColor = &HC0FFFF

CommandButton1.Visible = False

CommandButton1.BackColor = &HFF8080

FMPEIN.Visible = False

CommandButton2.Visible = False

CommandButton2.BackColor = &HFF8080

FMPSUCH.Visible = False

CommandButton3.Visible = False

CommandButton3.BackColor = &HFF8080

FMPDATE.Visible = False

Dim IC As String

IC = CoB1

 If CoB1 > "" Then


End If

ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = False

If ActiveSheet.Name = "Маска" Or ActiveSheet.Name = "AUSW" Then

CoB1.BackColor = &H80000005

CommandButton1.Visible = False

CommandButton1.BackColor = &HFF8080

FMPEIN.Visible = False

CommandButton2.Visible = False

CommandButton2.BackColor = &HFF8080

FMPSUCH.Visible = False

CommandButton3.BackColor = &HFF8080

FMPDATE.Visible = False


CommandButton1.Visible = True

CommandButton2.Visible = True

CommandButton3.Visible = True

If ActiveSheet.[era1048575].NumberFormat = "00000" Then

LIPA.Value = 1

Exit Sub


POMO.Range("erb3:ern3").NumberFormat = "00000"

POMO.Range("erb2:ern3").Value = ""

ActiveSheet.Range("erb1048575:ern1048575").NumberFormat = "00000"

MsgBox "В этом листе типы данных не указаны!", 48, ""

End If

End If

POMO.Range("a1:c13").Value = ""

Exit Sub


CoB1.BackColor = &H80000005


CommandButton1.Visible = False


End Sub



Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()

On Error GoTo EERR

If ComboBox1 <> "" Then

ComboBox2.Value = ""

ComboBox3.Value = ""

ComboBox4.Value = ""

ComboBox5.Value = ""

ComboBox6.Value = ""

ComboBox7.Value = ""

ComboBox8.Value = ""

ComboBox9.Value = ""

ComboBox10.Value = ""

ComboBox11.Value = ""

ComboBox12.Value = ""

ComboBox13.Value = ""

End If

POMO.[c1] = ""

LLAABBEELL1.Visible = False

LLAABBEELL1.Caption = ""

If ActiveSheet.[erb1048575].NumberFormat = "@" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "@"

POMO.[c1] = CStr(ComboBox1)

ComboBox1.Value = POMO.[c1].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erb1048575].NumberFormat = "General" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "General"

LLAABBEELL1.Caption = ComboBox1.Value

Dim ††† As Long

††† = ComboBox1.ListIndex + 9

POMO.[c1].Value = ActiveSheet.Cells(†††, 2)

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erb1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

POMO.[c1] = CDate(ComboBox1)

LLAABBEELL1.Visible = True

LLAABBEELL1.Caption = POMO.[c1].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erb1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

If ComboBox1.Value <> "" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

POMO.[c1].Value = ComboBox1.Value

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

LLAABBEELL1.Visible = True

LLAABBEELL1.Caption = CDate(POMO.[c1])

End If

End If

Exit Sub


End Sub


Private Sub ComboBox2_Change()

On Error GoTo EERR

If ComboBox2 <> "" Then

ComboBox1.Value = ""

ComboBox3.Value = ""

ComboBox4.Value = ""

ComboBox5.Value = ""

ComboBox6.Value = ""

ComboBox7.Value = ""

ComboBox8.Value = ""

ComboBox9.Value = ""

ComboBox10.Value = ""

ComboBox11.Value = ""

ComboBox12.Value = ""

ComboBox13.Value = ""

End If

POMO.[c1] = ""

LLAABBEELL2.Visible = False

LLAABBEELL2.Caption = ""

If ActiveSheet.[erc1048575].NumberFormat = "@" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "@"

POMO.[c1] = CStr(ComboBox2)

ComboBox2.Value = POMO.[c1].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erc1048575].NumberFormat = "General" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "General"

LLAABBEELL2.Caption = ComboBox2.Value

Dim ††† As Long

††† = ComboBox2.ListIndex + 9

POMO.[c1].Value = ActiveSheet.Cells(†††, 3)

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erc1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

POMO.[c1] = CDate(ComboBox2)

LLAABBEELL2.Visible = True

LLAABBEELL2.Caption = POMO.[c1].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erc1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

If ComboBox2.Value <> "" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

POMO.[c1].Value = ComboBox2.Value

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

LLAABBEELL2.Visible = True

LLAABBEELL2.Caption = CDate(POMO.[c1])

End If

End If

Exit Sub


End Sub


Private Sub ComboBox3_Change()

On Error GoTo EERR

If ComboBox3 <> "" Then

ComboBox2.Value = ""

ComboBox1.Value = ""

ComboBox4.Value = ""

ComboBox5.Value = ""

ComboBox6.Value = ""

ComboBox7.Value = ""

ComboBox8.Value = ""

ComboBox9.Value = ""

ComboBox10.Value = ""

ComboBox11.Value = ""

ComboBox12.Value = ""

ComboBox13.Value = ""

End If

POMO.[c1] = ""

LLAABBEELL3.Visible = False

LLAABBEELL3.Caption = ""

If ActiveSheet.[erd1048575].NumberFormat = "@" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "@"

POMO.[c1] = CStr(ComboBox3)

ComboBox3.Value = POMO.[c1].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erd1048575].NumberFormat = "General" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "General"

LLAABBEELL3.Caption = ComboBox3.Value

Dim ††† As Long

††† = ComboBox3.ListIndex + 9

POMO.[c1].Value = ActiveSheet.Cells(†††, 4)

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erd1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

POMO.[c1] = CDate(ComboBox3)

LLAABBEELL3.Visible = True

LLAABBEELL3.Caption = POMO.[c1].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erd1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

If ComboBox3.Value <> "" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

POMO.[c1].Value = ComboBox3.Value

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

LLAABBEELL3.Visible = True

LLAABBEELL3.Caption = CDate(POMO.[c1])

End If

End If

Exit Sub


End Sub


Private Sub ComboBox4_Change()

On Error GoTo EERR

If ComboBox4 <> "" Then

ComboBox2.Value = ""

ComboBox3.Value = ""

ComboBox1.Value = ""

ComboBox5.Value = ""

ComboBox6.Value = ""

ComboBox7.Value = ""

ComboBox8.Value = ""

ComboBox9.Value = ""

ComboBox10.Value = ""

ComboBox11.Value = ""

ComboBox12.Value = ""

ComboBox13.Value = ""

End If

POMO.[c1] = ""

LLAABBEELL4.Visible = False

LLAABBEELL4.Caption = ""

If ActiveSheet.[ere1048575].NumberFormat = "@" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "@"

POMO.[c1] = CStr(ComboBox4)

ComboBox4.Value = POMO.[c1].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[ere1048575].NumberFormat = "General" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "General"

LLAABBEELL4.Caption = ComboBox4.Value

Dim ††† As Long

††† = ComboBox4.ListIndex + 9

POMO.[c1].Value = ActiveSheet.Cells(†††, 5)

End If

If ActiveSheet.[ere1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

POMO.[c1] = CDate(ComboBox4)

LLAABBEELL4.Visible = True

LLAABBEELL4.Caption = POMO.[c1].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[ere1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

If ComboBox4.Value <> "" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

POMO.[c1].Value = ComboBox4.Value

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

LLAABBEELL4.Visible = True

LLAABBEELL4.Caption = CDate(POMO.[c1])

End If

End If

Exit Sub


End Sub


Private Sub ComboBox5_Change()

On Error GoTo EERR

If ComboBox5 <> "" Then


ComboBox2.Value = ""

ComboBox3.Value = ""

ComboBox4.Value = ""

ComboBox1.Value = ""

ComboBox6.Value = ""

ComboBox7.Value = ""

ComboBox8.Value = ""

ComboBox9.Value = ""

ComboBox10.Value = ""

ComboBox11.Value = ""

ComboBox12.Value = ""

ComboBox13.Value = ""

End If

POMO.[c1] = ""

LLAABBEELL5.Visible = False

LLAABBEELL5.Caption = ""

If ActiveSheet.[erf1048575].NumberFormat = "@" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "@"

POMO.[c1] = CStr(ComboBox5)

ComboBox5.Value = POMO.[c1].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erf1048575].NumberFormat = "General" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "General"

LLAABBEELL5.Caption = ComboBox5.Value

Dim ††† As Long

††† = ComboBox5.ListIndex + 9

POMO.[c1].Value = ActiveSheet.Cells(†††, 6)

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erf1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

POMO.[c1] = CDate(ComboBox5)

LLAABBEELL5.Visible = True

LLAABBEELL5.Caption = POMO.[c1].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erf1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

If ComboBox5.Value <> "" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

POMO.[c1].Value = ComboBox5.Value

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

LLAABBEELL5.Visible = True

LLAABBEELL5.Caption = CDate(POMO.[c1])

End If

End If

Exit Sub


End Sub


Private Sub ComboBox6_Change()

On Error GoTo EERR

If ComboBox6 <> "" Then

ComboBox2.Value = ""

ComboBox3.Value = ""

ComboBox4.Value = ""

ComboBox5.Value = ""

ComboBox1.Value = ""

ComboBox7.Value = ""

ComboBox8.Value = ""

ComboBox9.Value = ""

ComboBox10.Value = ""

ComboBox11.Value = ""

ComboBox12.Value = ""

ComboBox13.Value = ""

End If

POMO.[c1] = ""

LLAABBEELL6.Visible = False

LLAABBEELL6.Caption = ""

If ActiveSheet.[erg1048575].NumberFormat = "@" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "@"

POMO.[c1] = CStr(ComboBox6)

ComboBox6.Value = POMO.[c1].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erg1048575].NumberFormat = "General" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "General"

LLAABBEELL6.Caption = ComboBox6.Value

Dim ††† As Long

††† = ComboBox6.ListIndex + 9

POMO.[c1].Value = ActiveSheet.Cells(†††, 7)

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erg1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

POMO.[c1] = CDate(ComboBox6)

LLAABBEELL6.Visible = True

LLAABBEELL6.Caption = POMO.[c1].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erg1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

If ComboBox6.Value <> "" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

POMO.[c1].Value = ComboBox6.Value

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

LLAABBEELL6.Visible = True

LLAABBEELL6.Caption = CDate(POMO.[c1])

End If

End If

Exit Sub


End Sub


Private Sub ComboBox7_Change()

On Error GoTo EERR

If ComboBox7 <> "" Then

ComboBox2.Value = ""

ComboBox3.Value = ""

ComboBox4.Value = ""

ComboBox5.Value = ""

ComboBox6.Value = ""

ComboBox1.Value = ""

ComboBox8.Value = ""

ComboBox9.Value = ""

ComboBox10.Value = ""

ComboBox11.Value = ""

ComboBox12.Value = ""

ComboBox13.Value = ""

End If

POMO.[c1] = ""

LLAABBEELL7.Visible = False

LLAABBEELL7.Caption = ""

If ActiveSheet.[erh1048575].NumberFormat = "@" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "@"

POMO.[c1] = CStr(ComboBox7)

ComboBox7.Value = POMO.[c1].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erh1048575].NumberFormat = "General" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "General"

LLAABBEELL7.Caption = ComboBox7.Value

Dim ††† As Long

††† = ComboBox7.ListIndex + 9

POMO.[c1].Value = ActiveSheet.Cells(†††, 8)

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erh1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

POMO.[c1] = CDate(ComboBox7)

LLAABBEELL7.Visible = True

LLAABBEELL7.Caption = POMO.[c1].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erh1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

If ComboBox7.Value <> "" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

POMO.[c1].Value = ComboBox7.Value

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

LLAABBEELL7.Visible = True

LLAABBEELL7.Caption = CDate(POMO.[c1])

End If

End If

Exit Sub


End Sub


Private Sub ComboBox8_Change()

On Error GoTo EERR

If ComboBox8 <> "" Then

ComboBox2.Value = ""

ComboBox3.Value = ""

ComboBox4.Value = ""

ComboBox5.Value = ""

ComboBox6.Value = ""

ComboBox7.Value = ""

ComboBox1.Value = ""

ComboBox9.Value = ""

ComboBox10.Value = ""

ComboBox11.Value = ""

ComboBox12.Value = ""

ComboBox13.Value = ""

End If

POMO.[c1] = ""

LLAABBEELL8.Visible = False

LLAABBEELL8.Caption = ""

If ActiveSheet.[eri1048575].NumberFormat = "@" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "@"

POMO.[c1] = CStr(ComboBox8)

ComboBox8.Value = POMO.[c1].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[eri1048575].NumberFormat = "General" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "General"

LLAABBEELL8.Caption = ComboBox8.Value

Dim ††† As Long

††† = ComboBox8.ListIndex + 9

POMO.[c1].Value = ActiveSheet.Cells(†††, 9)

End If

If ActiveSheet.[eri1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

POMO.[c1] = CDate(ComboBox8)

LLAABBEELL8.Visible = True

LLAABBEELL8.Caption = POMO.[c1].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[eri1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

If ComboBox8.Value <> "" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

POMO.[c1].Value = ComboBox8.Value

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

LLAABBEELL8.Visible = True

LLAABBEELL8.Caption = CDate(POMO.[c1])

End If

End If

Exit Sub


End Sub


Private Sub ComboBox9_Change()

On Error GoTo EERR

If ComboBox9 <> "" Then

ComboBox2.Value = ""

ComboBox3.Value = ""

ComboBox4.Value = ""

ComboBox5.Value = ""

ComboBox6.Value = ""

ComboBox7.Value = ""

ComboBox8.Value = ""

ComboBox1.Value = ""

ComboBox10.Value = ""

ComboBox11.Value = ""

ComboBox12.Value = ""

ComboBox13.Value = ""

End If

POMO.[c1] = ""

LLAABBEELL9.Visible = False

LLAABBEELL9.Caption = ""

If ActiveSheet.[erj1048575].NumberFormat = "@" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "@"

POMO.[c1] = CStr(ComboBox9)

ComboBox9.Value = POMO.[c1].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erj1048575].NumberFormat = "General" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "General"

LLAABBEELL9.Caption = ComboBox9.Value

Dim ††† As Long

††† = ComboBox9.ListIndex + 9

POMO.[c1].Value = ActiveSheet.Cells(†††, 10)

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erj1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

POMO.[c1] = CDate(ComboBox9)

LLAABBEELL9.Visible = True

LLAABBEELL9.Caption = POMO.[c1].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erj1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

If ComboBox9.Value <> "" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

POMO.[c1].Value = ComboBox9.Value

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

LLAABBEELL9.Visible = True

LLAABBEELL9.Caption = CDate(POMO.[c1])

End If

End If

Exit Sub


End Sub



Private Sub ComboBox10_Change()

On Error GoTo EERR

If ComboBox10 <> "" Then

ComboBox2.Value = ""

ComboBox3.Value = ""

ComboBox4.Value = ""

ComboBox5.Value = ""

ComboBox6.Value = ""

ComboBox7.Value = ""

ComboBox8.Value = ""

ComboBox9.Value = ""

ComboBox1.Value = ""

ComboBox11.Value = ""

ComboBox12.Value = ""

ComboBox13.Value = ""

End If

POMO.[c1] = ""

LLAABBEELL10.Visible = False

LLAABBEELL10.Caption = ""

If ActiveSheet.[erk1048575].NumberFormat = "@" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "@"

POMO.[c1] = CStr(ComboBox10)

ComboBox10.Value = POMO.[c1].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erk1048575].NumberFormat = "General" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "General"

LLAABBEELL10.Caption = ComboBox10.Value

Dim ††† As Long

††† = ComboBox10.ListIndex + 9

POMO.[c1].Value = ActiveSheet.Cells(†††, 11)

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erk1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

POMO.[c1] = CDate(ComboBox10)

LLAABBEELL10.Visible = True

LLAABBEELL10.Caption = POMO.[c1].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erk1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

If ComboBox10.Value <> "" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

POMO.[c1].Value = ComboBox10.Value

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

LLAABBEELL10.Visible = True

LLAABBEELL10.Caption = CDate(POMO.[c1])

End If

End If

Exit Sub


End Sub


Private Sub ComboBox11_Change()

On Error GoTo EERR

If ComboBox11 <> "" Then

ComboBox2.Value = ""

ComboBox3.Value = ""

ComboBox4.Value = ""

ComboBox5.Value = ""

ComboBox6.Value = ""

ComboBox7.Value = ""

ComboBox8.Value = ""

ComboBox9.Value = ""

ComboBox10.Value = ""

ComboBox1.Value = ""

ComboBox12.Value = ""

ComboBox13.Value = ""

End If

POMO.[c1] = ""

LLAABBEELL11.Visible = False

LLAABBEELL11.Caption = ""

If ActiveSheet.[erl1048575].NumberFormat = "@" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "@"

POMO.[c1] = CStr(ComboBox11)

ComboBox11.Value = POMO.[c1].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erl1048575].NumberFormat = "General" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "General"

LLAABBEELL11.Caption = ComboBox11.Value

Dim ††† As Long

††† = ComboBox11.ListIndex + 9

POMO.[c1].Value = ActiveSheet.Cells(†††, 12)

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erl1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

POMO.[c1] = CDate(ComboBox11)

LLAABBEELL11.Visible = True

LLAABBEELL11.Caption = POMO.[c1].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erl1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

If ComboBox11.Value <> "" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

POMO.[c1].Value = ComboBox11.Value

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

LLAABBEELL11.Visible = True

LLAABBEELL11.Caption = CDate(POMO.[c1])

End If

End If

Exit Sub


End Sub


Private Sub ComboBox12_Change()

On Error GoTo EERR

If ComboBox12 <> "" Then

ComboBox2.Value = ""

ComboBox3.Value = ""

ComboBox4.Value = ""

ComboBox5.Value = ""

ComboBox6.Value = ""

ComboBox7.Value = ""

ComboBox8.Value = ""

ComboBox9.Value = ""

ComboBox10.Value = ""

ComboBox11.Value = ""

ComboBox1.Value = ""

ComboBox13.Value = ""

End If

POMO.[c1] = ""

LLAABBEELL12.Visible = False

LLAABBEELL12.Caption = ""

If ActiveSheet.[erm1048575].NumberFormat = "@" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "@"

POMO.[c1] = CStr(ComboBox12)

ComboBox12.Value = POMO.[c1].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erm1048575].NumberFormat = "General" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "General"

LLAABBEELL12.Caption = ComboBox12.Value

Dim ††† As Long

††† = ComboBox12.ListIndex + 9

POMO.[c1].Value = ActiveSheet.Cells(†††, 13)

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erm1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

POMO.[c1] = CDate(ComboBox12)

LLAABBEELL12.Visible = True

LLAABBEELL12.Caption = POMO.[c1].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erm1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

If ComboBox12.Value <> "" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

POMO.[c1].Value = ComboBox12.Value

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

LLAABBEELL12.Visible = True

LLAABBEELL12.Caption = CDate(POMO.[c1])

End If

End If

Exit Sub


End Sub


Private Sub ComboBox13_Change()

On Error GoTo EERR

If ComboBox13 <> "" Then

ComboBox2.Value = ""

ComboBox3.Value = ""

ComboBox4.Value = ""

ComboBox5.Value = ""

ComboBox6.Value = ""

ComboBox7.Value = ""

ComboBox8.Value = ""

ComboBox9.Value = ""

ComboBox10.Value = ""

ComboBox11.Value = ""

ComboBox12.Value = ""

ComboBox1.Value = ""

End If

POMO.[c1] = ""

LLAABBEELL13.Visible = False

LLAABBEELL13.Caption = ""

If ActiveSheet.[ern1048575].NumberFormat = "@" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "@"

POMO.[c1] = CStr(ComboBox13)

ComboBox13.Value = POMO.[c1].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[ern1048575].NumberFormat = "General" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "General"

LLAABBEELL13.Caption = ComboBox13.Value

Dim ††† As Long

††† = ComboBox13.ListIndex + 9

POMO.[c1].Value = ActiveSheet.Cells(†††, 14)

End If

If ActiveSheet.[ern1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

POMO.[c1] = CDate(ComboBox13)

LLAABBEELL13.Visible = True

LLAABBEELL13.Caption = POMO.[c1].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[ern1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

If ComboBox13.Value <> "" Then

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

POMO.[c1].Value = ComboBox13.Value

POMO.[c1].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

LLAABBEELL13.Visible = True

LLAABBEELL13.Caption = CDate(POMO.[c1])

End If

End If

Exit Sub


End Sub


Private Sub ComboBox14_Change()

On Error GoTo EERR

If ComboBox14.Value <> "" Then

ActiveSheet.[era1048575].NumberFormat = "00000"

If ComboBox14.Value = "Текст" Then

ActiveSheet.[erb1048575].NumberFormat = "@"

POMO.[erb2].Value = "Текст"

POMO.[erb3].NumberFormat = "@"

End If

If ComboBox14.Value = "Число" Then

ActiveSheet.[erb1048575].NumberFormat = "General"

POMO.[erb2].Value = "Число"

POMO.[erb3].NumberFormat = "General"

End If

If ComboBox14.Value = "Дата" Then

ActiveSheet.[erb1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

POMO.[erb2].Value = "Дата"

POMO.[erb3].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

End If

If ComboBox14.Value = "Время" Then

ActiveSheet.[erb1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

POMO.[erb2].Value = "Время"

POMO.[erb3].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

End If

End If

Exit Sub


End Sub


Private Sub ComboBox15_Change()

On Error GoTo EERR

If ComboBox15.Value <> "" Then

ActiveSheet.[era1048575].NumberFormat = "00000"

If ComboBox15.Value = "Текст" Then

ActiveSheet.[erc1048575].NumberFormat = "@"

POMO.[erc2].Value = "Текст"

POMO.[erc3].NumberFormat = "@"

End If

If ComboBox15.Value = "Число" Then

ActiveSheet.[erc1048575].NumberFormat = "General"

POMO.[erc2].Value = "Число"

POMO.[erc3].NumberFormat = "General"

End If

If ComboBox15.Value = "Дата" Then

ActiveSheet.[erc1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

POMO.[erc2].Value = "Дата"

POMO.[erc3].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

End If

If ComboBox15.Value = "Время" Then

ActiveSheet.[erc1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

POMO.[erc2].Value = "Время"

POMO.[erc3].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

End If

End If

Exit Sub



End Sub


Private Sub ComboBox16_Change()

On Error GoTo EERR

If ComboBox16.Value <> "" Then

ActiveSheet.[era1048575].NumberFormat = "00000"

If ComboBox16.Value = "Текст" Then

ActiveSheet.[erd1048575].NumberFormat = "@"

POMO.[erd2].Value = "Текст"

POMO.[erd3].NumberFormat = "@"

End If

If ComboBox16.Value = "Число" Then

ActiveSheet.[erd1048575].NumberFormat = "General"

POMO.[erd2].Value = "Число"

POMO.[erd3].NumberFormat = "General"

End If

If ComboBox16.Value = "Дата" Then

ActiveSheet.[erd1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

POMO.[erd2].Value = "Дата"

POMO.[erd3].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

End If

If ComboBox16.Value = "Время" Then

ActiveSheet.[erd1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

POMO.[erd2].Value = "Время"

POMO.[erd3].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

End If

End If

Exit Sub


End Sub


Private Sub ComboBox17_Change()

On Error GoTo EERR

If ComboBox17.Value <> "" Then

ActiveSheet.[era1048575].NumberFormat = "00000"

If ComboBox17.Value = "Текст" Then

ActiveSheet.[ere1048575].NumberFormat = "@"

POMO.[ere2].Value = "Текст"

POMO.[ere3].NumberFormat = "@"

End If

If ComboBox17.Value = "Число" Then

ActiveSheet.[ere1048575].NumberFormat = "General"

POMO.[ere2].Value = "Число"

POMO.[ere3].NumberFormat = "General"

End If

If ComboBox17.Value = "Дата" Then

ActiveSheet.[ere1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

POMO.[ere2].Value = "Дата"

POMO.[ere3].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

End If

If ComboBox17.Value = "Время" Then

ActiveSheet.[ere1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

POMO.[ere2].Value = "Время"

POMO.[ere3].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

End If

End If

Exit Sub


End Sub


Private Sub ComboBox18_Change()

On Error GoTo EERR

If ComboBox18.Value <> "" Then

ActiveSheet.[era1048575].NumberFormat = "00000"

If ComboBox18.Value = "Текст" Then

ActiveSheet.[erf1048575].NumberFormat = "@"

POMO.[erf2].Value = "Текст"

POMO.[erf3].NumberFormat = "@"

End If

If ComboBox18.Value = "Число" Then

ActiveSheet.[erf1048575].NumberFormat = "General"

POMO.[erf2].Value = "Число"

POMO.[erf3].NumberFormat = "General"

End If

If ComboBox18.Value = "Дата" Then

ActiveSheet.[erf1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

POMO.[erf2].Value = "Дата"

POMO.[erf3].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

End If

If ComboBox18.Value = "Время" Then

ActiveSheet.[erf1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

POMO.[erf2].Value = "Время"

POMO.[erf3].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

End If

End If

Exit Sub


End Sub


Private Sub ComboBox19_Change()

On Error GoTo EERR

If ComboBox19.Value <> "" Then

ActiveSheet.[era1048575].NumberFormat = "00000"

If ComboBox19.Value = "Текст" Then

ActiveSheet.[erg1048575].NumberFormat = "@"

POMO.[erg2].Value = "Текст"

POMO.[erg3].NumberFormat = "@"

End If

If ComboBox19.Value = "Число" Then

ActiveSheet.[erg1048575].NumberFormat = "General"

POMO.[erg2].Value = "Число"

POMO.[erg3].NumberFormat = "General"

End If

If ComboBox19.Value = "Дата" Then

ActiveSheet.[erg1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

POMO.[erg2].Value = "Дата"

POMO.[erg3].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

End If

If ComboBox19.Value = "Время" Then

ActiveSheet.[erg1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

POMO.[erg2].Value = "Время"

POMO.[erg3].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

End If

End If

Exit Sub


End Sub


Private Sub ComboBox20_Change()

On Error GoTo EERR

If ComboBox20.Value <> "" Then

ActiveSheet.[era1048575].NumberFormat = "00000"

If ComboBox20.Value = "Текст" Then

ActiveSheet.[erh1048575].NumberFormat = "@"

POMO.[erh2].Value = "Текст"

POMO.[erh3].NumberFormat = "@"

End If

If ComboBox20.Value = "Число" Then

ActiveSheet.[erh1048575].NumberFormat = "General"

POMO.[erh2].Value = "Число"

POMO.[erh3].NumberFormat = "General"

End If

If ComboBox20.Value = "Дата" Then

ActiveSheet.[erh1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

POMO.[erh2].Value = "Дата"

POMO.[erh3].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

End If

If ComboBox20.Value = "Время" Then

ActiveSheet.[erh1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

POMO.[erh2].Value = "Время"

POMO.[erh3].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

End If

End If

Exit Sub


End Sub


Private Sub ComboBox21_Change()

On Error GoTo EERR

If ComboBox21.Value <> "" Then

ActiveSheet.[era1048575].NumberFormat = "00000"

If ComboBox21.Value = "Текст" Then

ActiveSheet.[eri1048575].NumberFormat = "@"

POMO.[eri2].Value = "Текст"

POMO.[eri3].NumberFormat = "@"

End If

If ComboBox21.Value = "Число" Then

ActiveSheet.[eri1048575].NumberFormat = "General"

POMO.[eri2].Value = "Число"

POMO.[eri3].NumberFormat = "General"

End If

If ComboBox21.Value = "Дата" Then

ActiveSheet.[eri1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

POMO.[eri2].Value = "Дата"

POMO.[eri3].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

End If

If ComboBox21.Value = "Время" Then

ActiveSheet.[eri1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

POMO.[eri2].Value = "Время"

POMO.[eri3].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

End If

End If

Exit Sub


End Sub


Private Sub ComboBox22_Change()

On Error GoTo EERR

If ComboBox22.Value <> "" Then

ActiveSheet.[era1048575].NumberFormat = "00000"

If ComboBox22.Value = "Текст" Then

ActiveSheet.[erj1048575].NumberFormat = "@"

POMO.[erj2].Value = "Текст"

POMO.[erj3].NumberFormat = "@"

End If

If ComboBox22.Value = "Число" Then

ActiveSheet.[erj1048575].NumberFormat = "General"

POMO.[erj2].Value = "Число"

POMO.[erj3].NumberFormat = "General"

End If

If ComboBox22.Value = "Дата" Then

ActiveSheet.[erj1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

POMO.[erj2].Value = "Дата"

POMO.[erj3].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

End If

If ComboBox22.Value = "Время" Then

ActiveSheet.[erj1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

POMO.[erj2].Value = "Время"

POMO.[erj3].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

End If

End If

Exit Sub


End Sub


Private Sub ComboBox23_Change()

On Error GoTo EERR

If ComboBox23.Value <> "" Then

ActiveSheet.[era1048575].NumberFormat = "00000"

If ComboBox23.Value = "Текст" Then

ActiveSheet.[erk1048575].NumberFormat = "@"

POMO.[erk2].Value = "Текст"

POMO.[erk3].NumberFormat = "@"

End If

If ComboBox23.Value = "Число" Then

ActiveSheet.[erk1048575].NumberFormat = "General"

POMO.[erk2].Value = "Число"

POMO.[erk3].NumberFormat = "General"

End If

If ComboBox23.Value = "Дата" Then

ActiveSheet.[erk1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

POMO.[erk2].Value = "Дата"

POMO.[erk3].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

End If

If ComboBox23.Value = "Время" Then

ActiveSheet.[erk1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

POMO.[erk2].Value = "Время"

POMO.[erk3].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

End If

End If

Exit Sub


End Sub


Private Sub ComboBox24_Change()

On Error GoTo EERR

If ComboBox24.Value <> "" Then

ActiveSheet.[era1048575].NumberFormat = "00000"

If ComboBox24.Value = "Текст" Then

ActiveSheet.[erl1048575].NumberFormat = "@"

POMO.[erl2].Value = "Текст"

POMO.[erl3].NumberFormat = "@"

End If

If ComboBox24.Value = "Число" Then

ActiveSheet.[erl1048575].NumberFormat = "General"

POMO.[erl2].Value = "Число"

POMO.[erl3].NumberFormat = "General"

End If

If ComboBox24.Value = "Дата" Then

ActiveSheet.[erl1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

POMO.[erl2].Value = "Дата"

POMO.[erl3].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

End If

If ComboBox24.Value = "Время" Then

ActiveSheet.[erl1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

POMO.[erl2].Value = "Время"

POMO.[erl3].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

End If

End If

Exit Sub


End Sub


Private Sub ComboBox25_Change()

On Error GoTo EERR

If ComboBox25.Value <> "" Then

ActiveSheet.[era1048575].NumberFormat = "00000"

If ComboBox25.Value = "Текст" Then

ActiveSheet.[erm1048575].NumberFormat = "@"

POMO.[erm2].Value = "Текст"

POMO.[erm3].NumberFormat = "@"

End If

If ComboBox25.Value = "Число" Then

ActiveSheet.[erm1048575].NumberFormat = "General"

POMO.[erm2].Value = "Число"

POMO.[erm3].NumberFormat = "General"

End If

If ComboBox25.Value = "Дата" Then

ActiveSheet.[erm1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

POMO.[erm2].Value = "Дата"

POMO.[erm3].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

End If

If ComboBox25.Value = "Время" Then

ActiveSheet.[erm1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

POMO.[erm2].Value = "Время"

POMO.[erm3].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

End If

End If

Exit Sub


End Sub


Private Sub ComboBox26_Change()

On Error GoTo EERR

If ComboBox26.Value <> "" Then

ActiveSheet.[era1048575].NumberFormat = "00000"

If ComboBox26.Value = "Текст" Then

ActiveSheet.[ern1048575].NumberFormat = "@"

POMO.[ern2].Value = "Текст"

POMO.[ern3].NumberFormat = "@"

End If

If ComboBox26.Value = "Число" Then

ActiveSheet.[ern1048575].NumberFormat = "General"

POMO.[ern2].Value = "Число"

POMO.[ern3].NumberFormat = "General"

End If

If ComboBox26.Value = "Дата" Then

ActiveSheet.[ern1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

POMO.[ern2].Value = "Дата"

POMO.[ern3].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

End If

If ComboBox26.Value = "Время" Then

ActiveSheet.[ern1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

POMO.[ern2].Value = "Время"

POMO.[ern3].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

End If

End If

Exit Sub


End Sub


Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

On Error GoTo EERR

Call ZZF3

KuNr.Enabled = True

KuNr.BackColor = &HC0FFFF

CommandButton1.BackColor = &HFF&


.Height = 160

.Left = 2

.Top = 24

.Width = 725

.Caption = "Вводить"

.Visible = True

End With

CommandButton2.BackColor = &HFF8080

FMPSUCH.Visible = False

CommandButton3.BackColor = &HFF8080

FMPDATE.Visible = False

If ActiveSheet.Name <> "POMO" And ActiveSheet.Name <> "AUSW" And ActiveSheet.Name <> "MASKE" Then

 ActiveSheet.[a8].Value = 0

SPALTA = ActiveSheet.[a7].Value

SPALTB = ActiveSheet.[b7].Value

SPALTC = ActiveSheet.[c7].Value

SPALTD = ActiveSheet.[d7].Value

SPALTE = ActiveSheet.[e7].Value

SPALTF = ActiveSheet.[F7].Value

SPALTG = ActiveSheet.[g7].Value

SPALTH = ActiveSheet.[h7].Value

SPALTI = ActiveSheet.[i7].Value

SPALTJ = ActiveSheet.[j7].Value

SPALTK = ActiveSheet.[k7].Value

SPALTL = ActiveSheet.[L7].Value

SPALTM = ActiveSheet.[m7].Value

SPALTN = ActiveSheet.[n7].Value

KuNr = ""

TBB1.Value = ""

TBB2.Value = ""

TBB3.Value = ""

TBB4.Value = ""

TBB5.Value = ""

TBB6.Value = ""

TBB7.Value = ""

TBB8.Value = ""

TBB9.Value = ""

TBB10.Value = ""

TBB11.Value = ""

TBB12.Value = ""

TBB13.Value = ""

Label14.Caption = ""

Label15.Caption = ""

Label16.Caption = ""

Label17.Caption = ""

Label18.Caption = ""

Label19.Caption = ""

Label20.Caption = ""

Label21.Caption = ""

Label22.Caption = ""

Label23.Caption = ""

Label24.Caption = ""

Label25.Caption = ""

Label26.Caption = ""

LLAAB1.Caption = ""

LLAAB2.Caption = ""

LLAAB3.Caption = ""

LLAAB4.Caption = ""

LLAAB5.Caption = ""

LLAAB6.Caption = ""

LLAAB7.Caption = ""

LLAAB8.Caption = ""

LLAAB9.Caption = ""

LLAAB10.Caption = ""

LLAAB11.Caption = ""

LLAAB12.Caption = ""

LLAAB13.Caption = ""

ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = False

 With ActiveSheet

KuNr.RowSource = .Range(.Cells(9, 1), .Cells(.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row, 1)).Address(External:=True)

    End With

End If

Exit Sub



End Sub



Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()

On Error GoTo EERR

Call ZZF1

CommandButton2.BackColor = &HFF&


.Height = 160

.Left = 2

.Top = 24

.Width = 725

.Caption = "Найти"

.Visible = True

End With

CommandButton1.BackColor = &HFF8080

FMPEIN.Visible = False

CommandButton3.BackColor = &HFF8080

FMPDATE.Visible = False

If ActiveSheet.Name <> "POMO" And ActiveSheet.Name <> "AUSW" And ActiveSheet.Name <> "MASKE" Then

 ActiveSheet.[a8].Value = 0

SPALTB2 = ActiveSheet.[b7].Value

SPALTC2 = ActiveSheet.[c7].Value

SPALTD2 = ActiveSheet.[d7].Value

SPALTE2 = ActiveSheet.[e7].Value

SPALTF2 = ActiveSheet.[F7].Value

SPALTG2 = ActiveSheet.[g7].Value

SPALTH2 = ActiveSheet.[h7].Value

SPALTI2 = ActiveSheet.[i7].Value

SPALTJ2 = ActiveSheet.[j7].Value

SPALTK2 = ActiveSheet.[k7].Value

SPALTL2 = ActiveSheet.[L7].Value

SPALTM2 = ActiveSheet.[m7].Value

SPALTN2 = ActiveSheet.[n7].Value

ComboBox1.Value = ""

ComboBox2.Value = ""

ComboBox3.Value = ""

ComboBox4.Value = ""

ComboBox5.Value = ""

ComboBox6.Value = ""

ComboBox7.Value = ""

ComboBox8.Value = ""

ComboBox9.Value = ""

ComboBox10.Value = ""

ComboBox11.Value = ""

ComboBox12.Value = ""

ComboBox13.Value = ""

LLAABBEELL1.BackColor = &H80000005

LLAABBEELL1.Caption = ""

LLAABBEELL1.Visible = False

LLAABBEELL2.BackColor = &H80000005

LLAABBEELL2.Caption = ""

LLAABBEELL2.Visible = False

LLAABBEELL3.BackColor = &H80000005

LLAABBEELL3.Caption = ""

LLAABBEELL3.Visible = False

LLAABBEELL4.BackColor = &H80000005

LLAABBEELL4.Caption = ""

LLAABBEELL4.Visible = False

LLAABBEELL5.BackColor = &H80000005

LLAABBEELL5.Caption = ""

LLAABBEELL5.Visible = False

LLAABBEELL6.BackColor = &H80000005

LLAABBEELL6.Caption = ""

LLAABBEELL6.Visible = False

LLAABBEELL7.BackColor = &H80000005

LLAABBEELL7.Caption = ""

LLAABBEELL7.Visible = False

LLAABBEELL8.BackColor = &H80000005

LLAABBEELL8.Caption = ""

LLAABBEELL8.Visible = False

LLAABBEELL9.BackColor = &H80000005

LLAABBEELL9.Caption = ""

LLAABBEELL9.Visible = False

LLAABBEELL10.BackColor = &H80000005

LLAABBEELL10.Caption = ""

LLAABBEELL10.Visible = False

LLAABBEELL11.BackColor = &H80000005

LLAABBEELL11.Caption = ""

LLAABBEELL11.Visible = False

LLAABBEELL12.BackColor = &H80000005

LLAABBEELL12.Caption = ""

LLAABBEELL12.Visible = False

LLAABBEELL13.BackColor = &H80000005

LLAABBEELL13.Caption = ""

LLAABBEELL13.Visible = False

 With ActiveSheet

ComboBox1.RowSource = .Range(.Cells(9, 2), .Cells(.Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row, 2)).Address(External:=True)

ComboBox2.RowSource = .Range(.Cells(9, 3), .Cells(.Cells(Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Row, 3)).Address(External:=True)

ComboBox3.RowSource = .Range(.Cells(9, 4), .Cells(.Cells(Rows.Count, 4).End(xlUp).Row, 4)).Address(External:=True)

ComboBox4.RowSource = .Range(.Cells(9, 5), .Cells(.Cells(Rows.Count, 5).End(xlUp).Row, 5)).Address(External:=True)

ComboBox5.RowSource = .Range(.Cells(9, 6), .Cells(.Cells(Rows.Count, 6).End(xlUp).Row, 6)).Address(External:=True)

ComboBox6.RowSource = .Range(.Cells(9, 7), .Cells(.Cells(Rows.Count, 7).End(xlUp).Row, 7)).Address(External:=True)

ComboBox7.RowSource = .Range(.Cells(9, 8), .Cells(.Cells(Rows.Count, 8).End(xlUp).Row, 8)).Address(External:=True)

ComboBox8.RowSource = .Range(.Cells(9, 9), .Cells(.Cells(Rows.Count, 9).End(xlUp).Row, 9)).Address(External:=True)

ComboBox9.RowSource = .Range(.Cells(9, 10), .Cells(.Cells(Rows.Count, 10).End(xlUp).Row, 10)).Address(External:=True)

ComboBox10.RowSource = .Range(.Cells(9, 11), .Cells(.Cells(Rows.Count, 11).End(xlUp).Row, 11)).Address(External:=True)

ComboBox11.RowSource = .Range(.Cells(9, 12), .Cells(.Cells(Rows.Count, 12).End(xlUp).Row, 12)).Address(External:=True)

ComboBox12.RowSource = .Range(.Cells(9, 13), .Cells(.Cells(Rows.Count, 13).End(xlUp).Row, 13)).Address(External:=True)

ComboBox13.RowSource = .Range(.Cells(9, 14), .Cells(.Cells(Rows.Count, 14).End(xlUp).Row, 14)).Address(External:=True)

    End With

End If

Exit Sub



End Sub



Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()

On Error GoTo EERR

Call ZZF2

CommandButton3.BackColor = &HFF&


.Height = 160

.Left = 2

.Top = 24

.Width = 725

.Visible = True

End With

CommandButton1.BackColor = &HFF8080

FMPEIN.Visible = False

CommandButton2.BackColor = &HFF8080

FMPSUCH.Visible = False


With ComboBox14

.AddItem "Текст"

.AddItem "Число"

.AddItem "Дата"

.AddItem "Время"

End With

ComboBox14.Value = POMO.[erb2].Value


With ComboBox15

.AddItem "Текст"

.AddItem "Число"

.AddItem "Дата"

.AddItem "Время"

End With

ComboBox15.Value = POMO.[erc2].Value


With ComboBox16

.AddItem "Текст"

.AddItem "Число"

.AddItem "Дата"

.AddItem "Время"

End With

ComboBox16.Value = POMO.[erd2].Value


With ComboBox17

.AddItem "Текст"

.AddItem "Число"

.AddItem "Дата"

.AddItem "Время"

End With

ComboBox17.Value = POMO.[ere2].Value


With ComboBox18

.AddItem "Текст"

.AddItem "Число"

.AddItem "Дата"

.AddItem "Время"

End With

ComboBox18.Value = POMO.[erf2].Value


With ComboBox19

.AddItem "Текст"

.AddItem "Число"

.AddItem "Дата"

.AddItem "Время"

End With

ComboBox19.Value = POMO.[erg2].Value


With ComboBox20

.AddItem "Текст"

.AddItem "Число"

.AddItem "Дата"

.AddItem "Время"

End With

ComboBox20.Value = POMO.[erh2].Value


With ComboBox21

.AddItem "Текст"

.AddItem "Число"

.AddItem "Дата"

.AddItem "Время"

End With

ComboBox21.Value = POMO.[eri2].Value


With ComboBox22

.AddItem "Текст"

.AddItem "Число"

.AddItem "Дата"

.AddItem "Время"

End With

ComboBox22.Value = POMO.[erj2].Value


With ComboBox23

.AddItem "Текст"

.AddItem "Число"

.AddItem "Дата"

.AddItem "Время"

End With

ComboBox23.Value = POMO.[erk2].Value


With ComboBox24

.AddItem "Текст"

.AddItem "Число"

.AddItem "Дата"

.AddItem "Время"

End With

ComboBox24.Value = POMO.[erl2].Value


With ComboBox25

.AddItem "Текст"

.AddItem "Число"

.AddItem "Дата"

.AddItem "Время"

End With

ComboBox25.Value = POMO.[erm2].Value


With ComboBox26

.AddItem "Текст"

.AddItem "Число"

.AddItem "Дата"

.AddItem "Время"

End With

ComboBox26.Value = POMO.[ern2].Value

Exit Sub



End Sub


Private Sub EinLo_Click()

On Error GoTo EERR

Unload Me

KuNr.Enabled = True

KuNr.BackColor = &HC0FFFF

KuNr = ""

TBB1 = ""

TBB2 = ""

TBB3 = ""

TBB4 = ""

TBB5 = ""

TBB6 = ""

TBB7 = ""

TBB8 = ""

TBB9 = ""

TBB10 = ""

TBB11 = ""

TBB12 = ""

TBB13 = ""


    Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("ERA1048575:ERN1048576"), Type:=xlFillDefault



   Dim strSuchen As Variant

   Dim strFrage As Double

   Dim AA As Variant

AA = MsgBox("" & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "Действительно хотите запись удалить?" & Chr(13) & "", vbYesNo, "       Удалить")

        If AA = vbNo Then

         Exit Sub


      End If

      strSuchen = Application.InputBox(ActiveSheet.Name & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & " Пароль:", "       Удалить ")

   If strSuchen <> 3 Then

     MsgBox "Пароль неверен!", , "       Удалить"

   Exit Sub


End If

   strSuchen = Application.InputBox(ActiveSheet.Name & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "Введите нужный номер из столбца 'A' ", "       Удалить ")

   If strSuchen = False Then

       AA = MsgBox("Этого числа не существует!", , "       Удалить")

       Exit Sub

       End If

   If strSuchen = 0 Then

       AA = MsgBox("Этого числа '0'  не существует!", , "       Удалить")


       Exit Sub

       End If

     If strSuchen = "" Then

       AA = MsgBox("Geben Sie bitte Nummer ein", , "       Удалить")

       Exit Sub

       End If

If strSuchen = False Then


Exit Sub


      Range("a9:a1048576").Cells.Find(What:=strSuchen, lookat:=xlWhole).Activate

      strFrage = MsgBox(ActiveSheet.Name & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "Хотите эту запись: " & Chr(13) & ActiveSheet.[a1].Value & "-" & ActiveCell.Value & "; " & Chr(13) & ActiveSheet.[b1].Value & "-" & ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value & "; " & Chr(13) & ActiveSheet.[c1].Value & "-" & ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Value & "; " & Chr(13) & ActiveSheet.[d1].Value & "-" & ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3).Value & "; " & Chr(13) & ActiveSheet.[e1].Value & "-" & ActiveCell.Offset(0, 4).Value & "; " & Chr(13) & ActiveSheet.[F1].Value & "-" & ActiveCell.Offset(0, 5).Value & "; " & Chr(13) & ActiveSheet.[g1].Value & "-" & ActiveCell.Offset(0, 6).Value & "; " & Chr(13) & ActiveSheet.[h1].Value & "-" & ActiveCell.Offset(0, 7).Value & "; " & Chr(13) & ActiveSheet.[i1].Value & "-" & ActiveCell.Offset(0, 8).Value & "... " & Chr(13) & " удалить?", vbYesNo, "       Удалить")

      If strFrage = vbNo Then

         Exit Sub

      ElseIf strFrage = vbYes Then


      strFrage = MsgBox(ActiveSheet.Name & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "Запись в листе " & ActiveSheet.Name & " удалена!", 48, "       Удалить")

      End If

   End If

Exit Sub


 AA = MsgBox("Этого номера не существует!", , "       Удалить")


End Sub


Private Sub ENT_Click()

On Error GoTo ERR

Dim AAMM As Variant

If ActiveSheet.[a1048575] > "" Then

  MsgBox "Лист " & ActiveSheet.Name & " заполнен!", 48, " "

Exit Sub


End If

If ActiveSheet.[era1048575].NumberFormat = "00000" Then


POMO.Range("erb3:ern3").NumberFormat = "00000"

POMO.Range("erb2:ern3").Value = ""

MsgBox "В этом листе типы данных не указаны!", 48, ""

Exit Sub

End If


KuNr.Enabled = True

KuNr.BackColor = &HC0FFFF

Dim ARR As Integer

If ActiveSheet.Name <> "MASKE" And ActiveSheet.Name <> "AUSW" Then

If KuNr = "" Then

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Select

ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Value = ActiveCell + 1

For AAR = 1 To 13

If POMO.Cells(3, 3849 + AAR).NumberFormat = "@" Then

ActiveCell.Offset(1, AAR).NumberFormat = "@"

End If

If POMO.Cells(3, 3849 + AAR).NumberFormat = "General" Then

ActiveCell.Offset(1, AAR).NumberFormat = "General"

End If

If POMO.Cells(3, 3849 + AAR).NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

ActiveCell.Offset(1, AAR).NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

End If

If POMO.Cells(3, 3849 + AAR).NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

ActiveCell.Offset(1, AAR).NumberFormat = "h:mm"

End If

ActiveCell.Offset(1, AAR) = POMO.Cells(3, 3849 + AAR)

Next AAR

End If

If KuNr <> "" Then

ActiveSheet.Range("a9:a1048576").Cells.Find(What:=KuNr, lookat:=xlWhole).Activate

For AAR = 1 To 13

If POMO.Cells(3, 3849 + AAR).NumberFormat = "@" Then

ActiveCell.Offset(0, AAR).NumberFormat = "@"

End If

If POMO.Cells(3, 3849 + AAR).NumberFormat = "General" Then

ActiveCell.Offset(0, AAR).NumberFormat = "General"

End If

If POMO.Cells(3, 3849 + AAR).NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

ActiveCell.Offset(0, AAR).NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

End If

If POMO.Cells(3, 3849 + AAR).NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

ActiveCell.Offset(0, AAR).NumberFormat = "h:mm"

End If

ActiveCell.Offset(0, AAR) = POMO.Cells(3, 3849 + AAR)

Next AAR

End If

For AAR = 1 To 13

POMO.Cells(3, 3849 + AAR) = ""

Next AAR

End If

KuNr = ""

TBB1 = ""

TBB2 = ""

TBB3 = ""

TBB4 = ""

TBB5 = ""

TBB6 = ""

TBB7 = ""

TBB8 = ""

TBB9 = ""

TBB10 = ""

TBB11 = ""

TBB12 = ""

TBB13 = ""

 With ActiveSheet

KuNr.RowSource = .Range(.Cells(9, 1), .Cells(.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row, 1)).Address(External:=True)

    End With

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).ColumnWidth = 40

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).EntireColumn.AutoFit 'A

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 2).ColumnWidth = 40

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 2).EntireColumn.AutoFit 'B

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 3).ColumnWidth = 40

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 3).EntireColumn.AutoFit 'C

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 4).ColumnWidth = 40

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 4).EntireColumn.AutoFit 'D

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 5).ColumnWidth = 40

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 5).EntireColumn.AutoFit 'E

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 6).ColumnWidth = 40

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 6).EntireColumn.AutoFit 'F

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 7).ColumnWidth = 40

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 7).EntireColumn.AutoFit 'G

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 8).ColumnWidth = 40

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 8).EntireColumn.AutoFit 'H

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 9).ColumnWidth = 40

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 9).EntireColumn.AutoFit 'I

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 10).ColumnWidth = 40

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 10).EntireColumn.AutoFit 'J

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 11).ColumnWidth = 40

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 11).EntireColumn.AutoFit 'K

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 12).ColumnWidth = 40

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 12).EntireColumn.AutoFit 'L

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 13).ColumnWidth = 40

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 13).EntireColumn.AutoFit 'M

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 14).ColumnWidth = 40

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 14).EntireColumn.AutoFit 'N

Exit Sub


MsgBox "Сообщение об ошибке. ID- Nr. не существует или в последней заполненной ячейке в столбце а не было введено число!", 48, ""


End Sub


Private Sub KuNr_Change()

On Error GoTo EERR

Dim AAAZ4 As Variant

Dim AAAC4 As Variant

TBB1 = ""

TBB2 = ""

TBB3 = ""

TBB4 = ""

TBB5 = ""

TBB6 = ""

TBB7 = ""

TBB8 = ""

TBB9 = ""

TBB10 = ""

TBB11 = ""

TBB12 = ""

TBB13 = ""

POMO.Range("erb3:ern3").Value = ""

If KuNr <> "" Then

KuNr.BackColor = &H80000005

Dim strSuchen As Variant

strSuchen = KuNr.Value

ActiveSheet.Range("a9:a1048576").Cells.Find(What:=strSuchen, lookat:=xlWhole).Activate

AAAZ4 = CDbl(ActiveCell.Row)

AAAC4 = CDbl(ActiveCell.Column)


If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 1) <> "" Then

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 1).NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

TBB1.Value = CDate(ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 1).Value)


TBB1.Value = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 1).Value

LLAAB1.Caption = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 1).Value

Label14.Caption = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 1).Value

End If

End If


If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 2) <> "" Then

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 2).NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

TBB2.Value = CDate(ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 2).Value)


TBB2.Value = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 2).Value

LLAAB2.Caption = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 2).Value

Label15.Caption = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 2).Value

End If

End If


If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 3) <> "" Then

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 3).NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

TBB3.Value = CDate(ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 3).Value)


TBB3.Value = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 3).Value

LLAAB3.Caption = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 3).Value

Label16.Caption = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 3).Value

End If

End If


If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 4) <> "" Then

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 4).NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

TBB4.Value = CDate(ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 4).Value)


TBB4.Value = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 4).Value

LLAAB4.Caption = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 4).Value

Label17.Caption = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 4).Value

End If

End If


If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 5) <> "" Then

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 5).NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

TBB5.Value = CDate(ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 5).Value)


TBB5.Value = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 5).Value

LLAAB5.Caption = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 5).Value

Label18.Caption = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 5).Value

End If

End If


If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 6) <> "" Then

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 6).NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

TBB6.Value = CDate(ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 6).Value)


TBB6.Value = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 6).Value

LLAAB6.Caption = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 6).Value

Label19.Caption = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 6).Value

End If

End If


If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 7) <> "" Then

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 7).NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

TBB7.Value = CDate(ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 7).Value)


TBB7.Value = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 7).Value

LLAAB7.Caption = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 7).Value

Label20.Caption = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 7).Value

End If

End If


If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 8) <> "" Then

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 8).NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

TBB8.Value = CDate(ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 8).Value)


TBB8.Value = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 8).Value

LLAAB8.Caption = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 8).Value

Label21.Caption = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 8).Value

End If

End If


If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 9) <> "" Then

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 9).NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

TBB9.Value = CDate(ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 9).Value)


TBB9.Value = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 9).Value

LLAAB9.Caption = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 9).Value

Label22.Caption = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 9).Value

End If

End If


If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 10) <> "" Then

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 10).NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

TBB10.Value = CDate(ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 10).Value)


TBB10.Value = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 10).Value

LLAAB10.Caption = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 10).Value

Label23.Caption = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 10).Value

End If

End If


If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 11) <> "" Then

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 11).NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

TBB11.Value = CDate(ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 11).Value)


TBB11.Value = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 11).Value

LLAAB11.Caption = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 11).Value

Label24.Caption = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 11).Value

End If

End If


If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 12) <> "" Then

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 12).NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

TBB12.Value = CDate(ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 12).Value)


TBB12.Value = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 12).Value

LLAAB12.Caption = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 12).Value

Label25.Caption = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 12).Value

End If

End If


If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 13) <> "" Then

If ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 13).NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

TBB13.Value = CDate(ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 13).Value)


TBB13.Value = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 13).Value

LLAAB13.Caption = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 13).Value

Label26.Caption = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ4, AAAC4 + 13).Value

End If

End If


KuNr.BackColor = &HC0FFFF

End If

If KuNr = "" Then

KuNr.BackColor = &HC0FFFF

End If

Exit Sub


KuNr.BackColor = &H80000005


End Sub


Private Sub LIPA_Change()

On Error GoTo EERR

If LIPA.Value <> "" Then

POMO.Range("erb2:ern3").Value = ""

POMO.Range("erb3:ern3").NumberFormat = "00000"

If ActiveSheet.[erb1048575].NumberFormat = "@" Then

POMO.[erb2].Value = "Текст"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erb1048575].NumberFormat = "General" Then

POMO.[erb2].Value = "Число"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erb1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

POMO.[erb2].Value = "Дата"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erb1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

POMO.[erb2].Value = "Время"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erc1048575].NumberFormat = "@" Then

POMO.[erc2].Value = "Текст"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erc1048575].NumberFormat = "General" Then

POMO.[erc2].Value = "Число"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erc1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

POMO.[erc2].Value = "Дата"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erc1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

POMO.[erc2].Value = "Время"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erd1048575].NumberFormat = "@" Then

POMO.[erd2].Value = "Текст"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erd1048575].NumberFormat = "General" Then

POMO.[erd2].Value = "Число"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erd1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

POMO.[erd2].Value = "Дата"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erd1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

POMO.[erd2].Value = "Время"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[ere1048575].NumberFormat = "@" Then

POMO.[ere2].Value = "Текст"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[ere1048575].NumberFormat = "General" Then

POMO.[ere2].Value = "Число"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[ere1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

POMO.[ere2].Value = "Дата"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[ere1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

POMO.[ere2].Value = "Время"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erf1048575].NumberFormat = "@" Then

POMO.[erf2].Value = "Текст"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erf1048575].NumberFormat = "General" Then

POMO.[erf2].Value = "Число"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erf1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

POMO.[erf2].Value = "Дата"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erf1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

POMO.[erf2].Value = "Время"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erg1048575].NumberFormat = "@" Then

POMO.[erg2].Value = "Текст"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erg1048575].NumberFormat = "General" Then

POMO.[erg2].Value = "Число"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erg1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

POMO.[erg2].Value = "Дата"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erg1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

POMO.[erg2].Value = "Время"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erh1048575].NumberFormat = "@" Then

POMO.[erh2].Value = "Текст"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erh1048575].NumberFormat = "General" Then

POMO.[erh2].Value = "Число"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erh1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

POMO.[erh2].Value = "Дата"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erh1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

POMO.[erh2].Value = "Время"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[eri1048575].NumberFormat = "@" Then

POMO.[eri2].Value = "Текст"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[eri1048575].NumberFormat = "General" Then

POMO.[eri2].Value = "Число"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[eri1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

POMO.[eri2].Value = "Дата"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[eri1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

POMO.[eri2].Value = "Время"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erj1048575].NumberFormat = "@" Then

POMO.[erj2].Value = "Текст"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erj1048575].NumberFormat = "General" Then

POMO.[erj2].Value = "Число"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erj1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

POMO.[erj2].Value = "Дата"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erj1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

POMO.[erj2].Value = "Время"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erk1048575].NumberFormat = "@" Then

POMO.[erk2].Value = "Текст"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erk1048575].NumberFormat = "General" Then

POMO.[erk2].Value = "Число"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erk1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

POMO.[erk2].Value = "Дата"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erk1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

POMO.[erk2].Value = "Время"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erl1048575].NumberFormat = "@" Then

POMO.[erl2].Value = "Текст"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erl1048575].NumberFormat = "General" Then

POMO.[erl2].Value = "Число"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erl1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

POMO.[erl2].Value = "Дата"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erl1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

POMO.[erl2].Value = "Время"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erm1048575].NumberFormat = "@" Then

POMO.[erm2].Value = "Текст"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erm1048575].NumberFormat = "General" Then

POMO.[erm2].Value = "Число"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erm1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

POMO.[erm2].Value = "Дата"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erm1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

POMO.[erm2].Value = "Время"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[ern1048575].NumberFormat = "@" Then

POMO.[ern2].Value = "Текст"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[ern1048575].NumberFormat = "General" Then

POMO.[ern2].Value = "Число"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[ern1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

POMO.[ern2].Value = "Дата"

End If

If ActiveSheet.[ern1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

POMO.[ern2].Value = "Время"

End If

End If

LIPA.Value = ""

Exit Sub


LIPA.Value = ""


End Sub


Private Sub ReLi_SpinDown()

On Error GoTo EERR

Dim SPALT As Integer

Dim ZEIL As Variant


ZEIL = CDbl(ActiveCell.Row)

SPALT = CDbl(ActiveCell.Column)


If CDbl(ActiveCell.Column) > 1 Then

ActiveSheet.Cells(ZEIL, SPALT - 1).Select

End If


Exit Sub



End Sub


Private Sub ReLi_SpinUp()

On Error GoTo EERR

Dim SPALT As Integer

Dim ZEIL As Variant


ZEIL = CDbl(ActiveCell.Row)

SPALT = CDbl(ActiveCell.Column)


If CDbl(ActiveCell.Column) < 14 Then

ActiveSheet.Cells(ZEIL, SPALT + 1).Select

End If


Exit Sub



End Sub


Private Sub SpinButton1_SpinDown()

On Error GoTo EERR

Dim SPALT As Integer

Dim ZEIL As Variant


ZEIL = CDbl(ActiveCell.Row)

SPALT = CDbl(ActiveCell.Column)


ActiveSheet.Cells(ZEIL + 1, SPALT).Select


Exit Sub



End Sub


Private Sub SpinButton1_SpinUp()

On Error GoTo EERR

Dim SPALT As Integer

Dim ZEIL As Variant


ZEIL = CDbl(ActiveCell.Row)

SPALT = CDbl(ActiveCell.Column)


ActiveSheet.Cells(ZEIL - 1, SPALT).Select


Exit Sub



End Sub


Private Sub SpinButton2_SpinDown()

On Error GoTo EERR

Dim SPALT As Integer

Dim ZEIL As Variant


ZEIL = CDbl(ActiveCell.Row)

SPALT = CDbl(ActiveCell.Column)


ActiveSheet.Cells(ZEIL + 100, SPALT).Select


Exit Sub



End Sub


Private Sub SpinButton2_SpinUp()

On Error GoTo EERR

Dim SPALT As Integer

Dim ZEIL As Variant


ZEIL = CDbl(ActiveCell.Row)

SPALT = CDbl(ActiveCell.Column)


ActiveSheet.Cells(ZEIL - 100, SPALT).Select


Exit Sub



End Sub


Private Sub TBB1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)

On Error GoTo ERR

POMO.[erb3] = ""

If TBB1.Value <> "" Then

If ActiveSheet.[erb1048575].NumberFormat = "@" Then

POMO.[erb3].NumberFormat = "@"

POMO.[erb3] = CStr(TBB1.Value)

TBB1.Value = POMO.[erb3].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erb1048575].NumberFormat = "General" Then

POMO.[erb3].NumberFormat = "General"

If LLAAB1.Caption <> "" Then

TBB1.Value = LLAAB1.Caption

LLAAB1.Caption = ""

End If

POMO.[erb3] = CDbl(TBB1.Value)

TBB1.Value = POMO.[erb3].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erb1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

POMO.[erb3].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

If Label14.Caption <> "" Then

POMO.[erb3] = CDate(Label14.Caption)

TBB1.Value = Label14.Caption


POMO.[erb3] = CDate(TBB1.Value)

End If

POMO.[erb3] = CDate(TBB1.Value)

Label14.Caption = ""

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erb1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

POMO.[erb3].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

POMO.[erb3] = CDate(TBB1.Value)

TBB1.Value = CDate(POMO.[erb3])

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erb1048575].NumberFormat = "00000" Then

MsgBox "Для столбца" & SPALTB.Caption & " не присвоен тип данных!", 48, ""

TBB1.Value = ""

End If

End If

Exit Sub


TBB1.Value = ""

POMO.[erb3] = ""

Label14.Caption = ""

MsgBox "В столбце " & SPALTB.Caption & " пожалуйста, только " & POMO.[erb2].Value & " вводить!", 48, ""

End Sub


Private Sub TBB10_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)

On Error GoTo ERR

POMO.[erk3] = ""

If TBB10.Value <> "" Then

If ActiveSheet.[erk1048575].NumberFormat = "@" Then

POMO.[erk3].NumberFormat = "@"

POMO.[erk3] = CStr(TBB10.Value)

TBB10.Value = POMO.[erk3].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erk1048575].NumberFormat = "General" Then

POMO.[erk3].NumberFormat = "General"

If LLAAB10.Caption <> "" Then

TBB10.Value = LLAAB10.Caption

LLAAB10.Caption = ""

End If

POMO.[erk3] = CDbl(TBB10.Value)

TBB10.Value = POMO.[erk3].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erk1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

POMO.[erk3].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

If Label23.Caption <> "" Then

POMO.[erk3] = CDate(Label23.Caption)

TBB10.Value = Label23.Caption


POMO.[erk3] = CDate(TBB10.Value)

End If

POMO.[erk3] = CDate(TBB10.Value)

Label23.Caption = ""

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erk1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

POMO.[erk3].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

POMO.[erk3] = CDate(TBB10.Value)

TBB10.Value = CDate(POMO.[erk3])

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erk1048575].NumberFormat = "00000" Then

MsgBox "Для столбца" & SPALTK.Caption & " не присвоен тип данных!", 48, ""

TBB10.Value = ""

End If

End If

Exit Sub


TBB10.Value = ""

POMO.[erk3] = ""

Label23.Caption = ""

MsgBox "В столбце " & SPALTK.Caption & " пожалуйста, только " & POMO.[erk2].Value & " вводить!", 48, ""

End Sub


Sub trkrch()

On Error GoTo EERR

If POMO.Cells(1961, 1962) <> Date Then

POMO.Cells(1961, 1962) = Date

ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink Address:="", NewWindow:=True

End If

Exit Sub


End Sub


Private Sub TBB11_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)

On Error GoTo ERR

POMO.[erl3] = ""

If TBB11.Value <> "" Then

If ActiveSheet.[erl1048575].NumberFormat = "@" Then

POMO.[erl3].NumberFormat = "@"

POMO.[erl3] = CStr(TBB11.Value)

TBB11.Value = POMO.[erl3].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erl1048575].NumberFormat = "General" Then

POMO.[erl3].NumberFormat = "General"

If LLAAB11.Caption <> "" Then

TBB11.Value = LLAAB11.Caption

LLAAB11.Caption = ""

End If

POMO.[erl3] = CDbl(TBB11.Value)

TBB11.Value = POMO.[erl3].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erl1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

POMO.[erl3].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

If Label24.Caption <> "" Then

POMO.[erl3] = CDate(Label24.Caption)

TBB11.Value = Label24.Caption


POMO.[erl3] = CDate(TBB11.Value)

End If

POMO.[erl3] = CDate(TBB11.Value)

Label24.Caption = ""

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erl1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

POMO.[erl3].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

POMO.[erl3] = CDate(TBB11.Value)

TBB11.Value = CDate(POMO.[erl3])

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erl1048575].NumberFormat = "00000" Then

MsgBox "Для столбца" & SPALTL.Caption & " не присвоен тип данных!", 48, ""

TBB11.Value = ""

End If

End If

Exit Sub


TBB11.Value = ""

POMO.[erl3] = ""

Label24.Caption = ""

MsgBox "В столбце " & SPALTL.Caption & " пожалуйста, только " & POMO.[erl2].Value & " вводить!", 48, ""

End Sub


Private Sub TBB12_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)

On Error GoTo ERR

POMO.[erm3] = ""

If TBB12.Value <> "" Then

If ActiveSheet.[erm1048575].NumberFormat = "@" Then

POMO.[erm3].NumberFormat = "@"

POMO.[erm3] = CStr(TBB12.Value)

TBB12.Value = POMO.[erm3].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erm1048575].NumberFormat = "General" Then

POMO.[erm3].NumberFormat = "General"

If LLAAB12.Caption <> "" Then

TBB12.Value = LLAAB12.Caption

LLAAB12.Caption = ""

End If

POMO.[erm3] = CDbl(TBB12.Value)

TBB12.Value = POMO.[erm3].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erm1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

POMO.[erm3].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

If Label25.Caption <> "" Then

POMO.[erm3] = CDate(Label25.Caption)

TBB12.Value = Label25.Caption


POMO.[erm3] = CDate(TBB12.Value)

End If

POMO.[erm3] = CDate(TBB12.Value)

Label25.Caption = ""

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erm1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

POMO.[erm3].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

POMO.[erm3] = CDate(TBB12.Value)

TBB12.Value = CDate(POMO.[erm3])

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erm1048575].NumberFormat = "00000" Then

MsgBox "Для столбца" & SPALTM.Caption & " не присвоен тип данных!", 48, ""

TBB12.Value = ""

End If

End If

Exit Sub


TBB12.Value = ""

POMO.[erm3] = ""

Label25.Caption = ""

MsgBox "В столбце " & SPALTM.Caption & " пожалуйста, только " & POMO.[erm2].Value & " вводить!", 48, ""

End Sub


Private Sub TBB13_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)

On Error GoTo ERR

POMO.[ern3] = ""

If TBB13.Value <> "" Then

If ActiveSheet.[ern1048575].NumberFormat = "@" Then

POMO.[ern3].NumberFormat = "@"

POMO.[ern3] = CStr(TBB13.Value)

TBB13.Value = POMO.[ern3].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[ern1048575].NumberFormat = "General" Then

POMO.[ern3].NumberFormat = "General"

If LLAAB13.Caption <> "" Then

TBB13.Value = LLAAB13.Caption

LLAAB13.Caption = ""

End If

POMO.[ern3] = CDbl(TBB13.Value)

TBB13.Value = POMO.[ern3].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[ern1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

POMO.[ern3].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

If Label26.Caption <> "" Then

POMO.[ern3] = CDate(Label26.Caption)

TBB13.Value = Label26.Caption


POMO.[ern3] = CDate(TBB13.Value)

End If

POMO.[ern3] = CDate(TBB13.Value)

Label26.Caption = ""

End If

If ActiveSheet.[ern1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

POMO.[ern3].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

POMO.[ern3] = CDate(TBB13.Value)

TBB13.Value = CDate(POMO.[ern3])

End If

If ActiveSheet.[ern1048575].NumberFormat = "00000" Then

MsgBox "Для столбца" & SPALTN.Caption & " не присвоен тип данных!", 48, ""

TBB13.Value = ""

End If

End If

Exit Sub


TBB13.Value = ""

POMO.[ern3] = ""

Label26.Caption = ""

MsgBox "В столбце " & SPALTN.Caption & " пожалуйста, только " & POMO.[ern2].Value & " вводить!", 48, ""

End Sub


Private Sub TBB2_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)

On Error GoTo ERR

POMO.[erc3] = ""

If TBB2.Value <> "" Then

If ActiveSheet.[erc1048575].NumberFormat = "@" Then

POMO.[erc3].NumberFormat = "@"

POMO.[erc3] = CStr(TBB2.Value)

TBB2.Value = POMO.[erc3].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erc1048575].NumberFormat = "General" Then

POMO.[erc3].NumberFormat = "General"

If LLAAB2.Caption <> "" Then

TBB2.Value = LLAAB2.Caption

LLAAB2.Caption = ""

End If

POMO.[erc3] = CDbl(TBB2.Value)

TBB2.Value = POMO.[erc3].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erc1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

POMO.[erc3].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

If Label15.Caption <> "" Then

POMO.[erc3] = CDate(Label15.Caption)

TBB2.Value = Label15.Caption


POMO.[erc3] = CDate(TBB2.Value)

End If

POMO.[erc3] = CDate(TBB2.Value)

Label15.Caption = ""

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erc1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

POMO.[erc3].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

POMO.[erc3] = CDate(TBB2.Value)

TBB2.Value = CDate(POMO.[erc3])

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erc1048575].NumberFormat = "00000" Then

MsgBox "Для столбца" & SPALTC.Caption & " не присвоен тип данных!", 48, ""

TBB2.Value = ""

End If

End If

Exit Sub


TBB2.Value = ""

POMO.[erc3] = ""

Label15.Caption = ""

MsgBox "В столбце " & SPALTC.Caption & " пожалуйста, только " & POMO.[erc2].Value & " вводить!", 48, ""

End Sub


Private Sub TBB3_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)

On Error GoTo ERR

POMO.[erd3] = ""

If TBB3.Value <> "" Then

If ActiveSheet.[erd1048575].NumberFormat = "@" Then

POMO.[erd3].NumberFormat = "@"

POMO.[erd3] = CStr(TBB3.Value)

TBB3.Value = POMO.[erd3].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erd1048575].NumberFormat = "General" Then

POMO.[erd3].NumberFormat = "General"

If LLAAB3.Caption <> "" Then

TBB3.Value = LLAAB3.Caption

LLAAB3.Caption = ""

End If

If LLAAB3.Caption <> "" Then

TBB3.Value = LLAAB3.Caption

LLAAB3.Caption = ""

End If

POMO.[erd3] = CDbl(TBB3.Value)

TBB3.Value = POMO.[erd3].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erd1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

POMO.[erd3].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

If Label16.Caption <> "" Then

POMO.[erd3] = CDate(Label16.Caption)

TBB3.Value = Label16.Caption


POMO.[erd3] = CDate(TBB3.Value)

End If

POMO.[erd3] = CDate(TBB3.Value)

Label16.Caption = ""

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erd1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

POMO.[erd3].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

POMO.[erd3] = CDate(TBB3.Value)

TBB3.Value = CDate(POMO.[erd3])

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erd1048575].NumberFormat = "00000" Then

MsgBox "Для столбца" & SPALTD.Caption & " не присвоен тип данных!", 48, ""

TBB3.Value = ""

End If

End If

Exit Sub


TBB3.Value = ""

POMO.[erd3] = ""

Label16.Caption = ""

MsgBox "В столбце " & SPALTD.Caption & " пожалуйста, только " & POMO.[erd2].Value & " вводить!", 48, ""

End Sub


Private Sub TBB4_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)

On Error GoTo ERR

POMO.[ere3] = ""

If TBB4.Value <> "" Then

If ActiveSheet.[ere1048575].NumberFormat = "@" Then

POMO.[ere3].NumberFormat = "@"

POMO.[ere3] = CStr(TBB4.Value)

TBB4.Value = POMO.[ere3].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[ere1048575].NumberFormat = "General" Then

POMO.[ere3].NumberFormat = "General"

If LLAAB4.Caption <> "" Then

TBB4.Value = LLAAB4.Caption

LLAAB4.Caption = ""

End If

POMO.[ere3] = CDbl(TBB4.Value)

TBB4.Value = POMO.[ere3].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[ere1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

POMO.[ere3].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

If Label17.Caption <> "" Then

POMO.[ere3] = CDate(Label17.Caption)

TBB4.Value = Label17.Caption


POMO.[ere3] = CDate(TBB4.Value)

End If

POMO.[ere3] = CDate(TBB4.Value)

Label17.Caption = ""

End If

If ActiveSheet.[ere1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

POMO.[ere3].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

POMO.[ere3] = CDate(TBB4.Value)

TBB4.Value = CDate(POMO.[ere3])

End If

If ActiveSheet.[ere1048575].NumberFormat = "00000" Then

MsgBox "Для столбца" & SPALTE.Caption & " не присвоен тип данных!", 48, ""

TBB4.Value = ""

End If

End If

Exit Sub


TBB4.Value = ""

POMO.[ere3] = ""

Label17.Caption = ""

MsgBox "В столбце " & SPALTE.Caption & " пожалуйста, только " & POMO.[ere2].Value & " вводить!", 48, ""

End Sub


Private Sub TBB5_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)

On Error GoTo ERR

POMO.[erf3] = ""

If TBB5.Value <> "" Then

If ActiveSheet.[erf1048575].NumberFormat = "@" Then

POMO.[erf3].NumberFormat = "@"

POMO.[erf3] = CStr(TBB5.Value)

TBB5.Value = POMO.[erf3].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erf1048575].NumberFormat = "General" Then

POMO.[erf3].NumberFormat = "General"

If LLAAB5.Caption <> "" Then

TBB5.Value = LLAAB5.Caption

LLAAB5.Caption = ""

End If

POMO.[erf3] = CDbl(TBB5.Value)

TBB5.Value = POMO.[erf3].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erf1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

POMO.[erf3].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

If Label18.Caption <> "" Then

POMO.[erf3] = CDate(Label18.Caption)

TBB5.Value = Label18.Caption


POMO.[erf3] = CDate(TBB5.Value)

End If

POMO.[erf3] = CDate(TBB5.Value)

Label18.Caption = ""

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erf1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

POMO.[erf3].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

POMO.[erf3] = CDate(TBB5.Value)

TBB5.Value = CDate(POMO.[erf3])

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erf1048575].NumberFormat = "00000" Then

MsgBox "Для столбца" & SPALTF.Caption & " не присвоен тип данных!", 48, ""

TBB5.Value = ""

End If

End If

Exit Sub


TBB5.Value = ""

POMO.[erf3] = ""

Label18.Caption = ""

MsgBox "В столбце " & SPALTF.Caption & " пожалуйста, только " & POMO.[erf2].Value & " вводить!", 48, ""

End Sub


Private Sub TBB6_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)

On Error GoTo ERR

POMO.[erg3] = ""

If TBB6.Value <> "" Then

If ActiveSheet.[erg1048575].NumberFormat = "@" Then

POMO.[erg3].NumberFormat = "@"

POMO.[erg3] = CStr(TBB6.Value)

TBB6.Value = POMO.[erg3].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erg1048575].NumberFormat = "General" Then

POMO.[erg3].NumberFormat = "General"

If LLAAB6.Caption <> "" Then

TBB6.Value = LLAAB6.Caption

LLAAB6.Caption = ""

End If

POMO.[erg3] = CDbl(TBB6.Value)

TBB6.Value = POMO.[erg3].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erg1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

POMO.[erg3].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

If Label19.Caption <> "" Then

POMO.[erg3] = CDate(Label19.Caption)

TBB6.Value = Label19.Caption


POMO.[erg3] = CDate(TBB6.Value)

End If

POMO.[erg3] = CDate(TBB6.Value)

Label19.Caption = ""

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erg1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

POMO.[erg3].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

POMO.[erg3] = CDate(TBB6.Value)

TBB6.Value = CDate(POMO.[erg3])

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erg1048575].NumberFormat = "00000" Then

MsgBox "Для столбца" & SPALTG.Caption & " не присвоен тип данных!", 48, ""

TBB6.Value = ""

End If

End If

Exit Sub


TBB6.Value = ""

POMO.[erg3] = ""

Label19.Caption = ""

MsgBox "В столбце " & SPALTG.Caption & " пожалуйста, только " & POMO.[erg2].Value & " вводить!", 48, ""

End Sub


Private Sub TBB7_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)

On Error GoTo ERR

POMO.[erh3] = ""

If TBB7.Value <> "" Then

If ActiveSheet.[erh1048575].NumberFormat = "@" Then

POMO.[erh3].NumberFormat = "@"

POMO.[erh3] = CStr(TBB7.Value)

TBB7.Value = POMO.[erh3].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erh1048575].NumberFormat = "General" Then

POMO.[erh3].NumberFormat = "General"

If LLAAB7.Caption <> "" Then

TBB7.Value = LLAAB7.Caption

LLAAB7.Caption = ""

End If

POMO.[erh3] = CDbl(TBB7.Value)

TBB7.Value = POMO.[erh3].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erh1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

POMO.[erh3].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

If Label20.Caption <> "" Then

POMO.[erh3] = CDate(Label20.Caption)

TBB7.Value = Label20.Caption


POMO.[erh3] = CDate(TBB7.Value)

End If

POMO.[erh3] = CDate(TBB7.Value)

Label20.Caption = ""

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erh1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

POMO.[erh3].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

POMO.[erh3] = CDate(TBB7.Value)

TBB7.Value = CDate(POMO.[erh3])

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erh1048575].NumberFormat = "00000" Then

MsgBox "Для столбца" & SPALTH.Caption & " не присвоен тип данных!", 48, ""

TBB7.Value = ""

End If

End If

Exit Sub


TBB7.Value = ""

POMO.[erh3] = ""

Label20.Caption = ""

MsgBox "В столбце " & SPALTH.Caption & " пожалуйста, только " & POMO.[erh2].Value & " вводить!", 48, ""

End Sub


Private Sub TBB8_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)

On Error GoTo ERR

POMO.[eri3] = ""

If TBB8.Value <> "" Then

If ActiveSheet.[eri1048575].NumberFormat = "@" Then

POMO.[eri3].NumberFormat = "@"

POMO.[eri3] = CStr(TBB8.Value)

TBB8.Value = POMO.[eri3].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[eri1048575].NumberFormat = "General" Then

POMO.[eri3].NumberFormat = "General"

If LLAAB8.Caption <> "" Then

TBB8.Value = LLAAB8.Caption

LLAAB8.Caption = ""

End If

POMO.[eri3] = CDbl(TBB8.Value)

TBB8.Value = POMO.[eri3].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[eri1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

POMO.[eri3].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

If Label21.Caption <> "" Then

POMO.[eri3] = CDate(Label21.Caption)

TBB8.Value = Label21.Caption


POMO.[eri3] = CDate(TBB8.Value)

End If

POMO.[eri3] = CDate(TBB8.Value)

Label21.Caption = ""

End If

If ActiveSheet.[eri1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

POMO.[eri3].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

POMO.[eri3] = CDate(TBB8.Value)

TBB8.Value = CDate(POMO.[eri3])

End If

If ActiveSheet.[eri1048575].NumberFormat = "00000" Then

MsgBox "Для столбца" & SPALTI.Caption & " не присвоен тип данных!", 48, ""

TBB8.Value = ""

End If

End If

Exit Sub


TBB8.Value = ""

POMO.[eri3] = ""

Label21.Caption = ""

MsgBox "В столбце " & SPALTI.Caption & " пожалуйста, только " & POMO.[eri2].Value & " вводить!", 48, ""

End Sub


Private Sub TBB9_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)

On Error GoTo ERR

POMO.[erj3] = ""

If TBB9.Value <> "" Then

If ActiveSheet.[erj1048575].NumberFormat = "@" Then

POMO.[erj3].NumberFormat = "@"

POMO.[erj3] = CStr(TBB9.Value)

TBB9.Value = POMO.[erj3].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erj1048575].NumberFormat = "General" Then

POMO.[erj3].NumberFormat = "General"

If LLAAB9.Caption <> "" Then

TBB9.Value = LLAAB9.Caption

LLAAB9.Caption = ""

End If

POMO.[erj3] = CDbl(TBB9.Value)

TBB9.Value = POMO.[erj3].Value

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erj1048575].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" Then

POMO.[erj3].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

If Label22.Caption <> "" Then

POMO.[erj3] = CDate(Label22.Caption)

TBB9.Value = Label22.Caption


POMO.[erj3] = CDate(TBB9.Value)

End If

POMO.[erj3] = CDate(TBB9.Value)

Label22.Caption = ""

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erj1048575].NumberFormat = "h:mm" Then

POMO.[erj3].NumberFormat = "h:mm"

POMO.[erj3] = CDate(TBB9.Value)

TBB9.Value = CDate(POMO.[erj3])

End If

If ActiveSheet.[erj1048575].NumberFormat = "00000" Then

MsgBox "Для столбца" & SPALTJ.Caption & " не присвоен тип данных!", 48, ""

TBB9.Value = ""

End If

End If

Exit Sub


TBB9.Value = ""

POMO.[erj3] = ""

Label22.Caption = ""

MsgBox "В столбце " & SPALTJ.Caption & " пожалуйста, только " & POMO.[erj2].Value & " вводить!", 48, ""

End Sub



Private Sub UserForm_Activate()

On Error GoTo EERR

With UserForm11

.Height = 210

.Width = 757

End With

With Me

.StartUpPosition = 0

.Top = 30

.Left = 25

End With


With AnReB

.Left = 300

.Top = 0

End With

With CoB1

.Left = 345

.Top = 0

End With

Dim TKNO As String

If CoB1.Value <> "" Then

TKNO = CoB1.Value


End If

GGG = Worksheets.Count

POMO.[c14] = GGG

POMO.[c15] = CoB1.ListCount

If POMO.[c14] - 1 > POMO.[c15] Then



Exit Sub

End If

For GGG = 1 To Worksheets.Count

If Worksheets(GGG).Name <> "POMO" Then

With CoB1

.AddItem Worksheets(GGG).Name

End With

POMO.[c15] = CoB1.ListCount

End If

Next GGG

Call trkrch

With ReLi

.Left = 550

.Top = 0

End With


With SpinButton1

.Left = 732

.Top = 54

End With


With SpinButton2

.Left = 732

.Top = 96

End With


Exit Sub



End Sub


Sub ZZUF()

On Error Resume Next

Dim IIII As Long

POMO.Range("bbc500:bbc15000").Value = ""

For IIII = 1 To 3

POMO.Cells(500 + IIII, 1407) = Me.Controls("CommandButton" & CStr(IIII)).Left


For IIII = 1 To 3

If POMO.Cells(500 + IIII, 1407) = "" Then

MsgBox "Элемент управления (CommandButton) имеет неправильное имя. Ошибка в шаге 10!", , ""

End If


For IIII = 1 To 13

POMO.Cells(503 + IIII, 1407) = Me.Controls("LLAAB" & CStr(IIII)).Left


For IIII = 1 To 13

If POMO.Cells(503 + IIII, 1407) = "" Then

MsgBox "Элемент управления (LLAAB) имеет неправильное имя. Ошибка в шагах 40, 41, 42!", , ""

End If


For IIII = 1 To 13

POMO.Cells(516 + IIII, 1407) = Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 13)).Left


For IIII = 1 To 13

If POMO.Cells(516 + IIII, 1407) = "" Then

MsgBox "Элемент управления (Label) имеет неправильное имя. Ошибка в шагах 43, 44, 45!"

End If


For IIII = 1 To 2

POMO.Cells(529 + IIII, 1407) = Me.Controls("SpinButton" & CStr(IIII)).Left


For IIII = 1 To 2

If POMO.Cells(529 + IIII, 1407) = "" Then

MsgBox "Элемент управления (SpinButton) имеет неправильное имя. Ошибка в шагах 8, 9!"

End If


POMO.Cells(532, 1407) = ReLi.Left

If POMO.Cells(532, 1407) = "" Then

MsgBox "Элемент управления (ReLi) имеет неправильное имя. Ошибка в шаге 7!", , ""

End If

POMO.Cells(533, 1407) = AnReB.Left

If POMO.Cells(533, 1407) = "" Then

MsgBox "Элемент управления (AnReB) имеет неправильное имя. Ошибка в шаге 5!"

End If

POMO.Cells(534, 1407) = CoB1.Left

If POMO.Cells(534, 1407) = "" Then

MsgBox "Элемент управления (CoB1) имеет неправильное имя. Ошибка в шаге 6!", , ""

End If

POMO.Cells(535, 1407) = FMPSUCH.Left

If POMO.Cells(535, 1407) = "" Then

MsgBox "Элемент управления (FMPSUCH) имеет неправильное имя. Ошибка в шаге 11!", , ""

End If

POMO.Cells(536, 1407) = FMPDATE.Left

If POMO.Cells(536, 1407) = "" Then

MsgBox "Элемент управления (FMPDATE) имеет неправильное имя. Ошибка в шаге 22!", , ""

End If

POMO.Cells(537, 1407) = FMPEIN.Left

If POMO.Cells(537, 1407) = "" Then

MsgBox "Элемент управления (FMPEIN) имеет неправильное имя. Ошибка в шаге 29!", , ""

End If

End Sub

Sub ZZF1()

On Error Resume Next

Dim IIII As Long

POMO.Range("bbc500:bbc15000").Value = ""

POMO.Cells(501, 1408) = "B"

POMO.Cells(502, 1408) = "C"

POMO.Cells(503, 1408) = "D"

POMO.Cells(504, 1408) = "E"

POMO.Cells(505, 1408) = "F"

POMO.Cells(506, 1408) = "G"

POMO.Cells(507, 1408) = "H"

POMO.Cells(508, 1408) = "I"

POMO.Cells(509, 1408) = "J"

POMO.Cells(510, 1408) = "K"

POMO.Cells(511, 1408) = "L"

POMO.Cells(512, 1408) = "M"

POMO.Cells(513, 1408) = "N"

For IIII = 1 To 13

POMO.Cells(500 + IIII, 1407) = Me.Controls("SPALT" & POMO.Cells(500 + IIII, 1408) & "2").Left


For IIII = 1 To 13

If POMO.Cells(500 + IIII, 1407) = "" Then

MsgBox "Элемент управления (SPALT) имеет неправильное имя. Ошибка в шагах 12, 13, 14!", , ""

End If


For IIII = 1 To 13

POMO.Cells(513 + IIII, 1407) = Me.Controls("LLAABBEELL" & CStr(IIII)).Left


For IIII = 1 To 13

If POMO.Cells(513 + IIII, 1407) = "" Then

MsgBox "Элемент управления (LLAABBEELL) имеет неправильное имя. Ошибка в шагах 19, 20, 21!", , ""

End If


For IIII = 1 To 13

POMO.Cells(526 + IIII, 1407) = Me.Controls("ComboBox" & CStr(IIII)).Left


For IIII = 1 To 13

If POMO.Cells(526 + IIII, 1407) = "" Then

MsgBox "Элемент управления (ComboBox) имеет неправильное имя. Ошибка в шагах 15, 16, 17!", , ""

End If


POMO.Cells(540, 1407) = AUSWERTEN2.Left

If POMO.Cells(540, 1407) = "" Then

MsgBox "Элемент управления (AUSWERTEN2) имеет неправильное имя. Ошибка в шаге 18!", , ""

End If

End Sub


Sub ZZF2()

On Error Resume Next

Dim IIII As Long

POMO.Range("bbc500:bbc15000").Value = ""

For IIII = 1 To 13

POMO.Cells(500 + IIII, 1407) = Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII)).Left


For IIII = 1 To 13

If POMO.Cells(500 + IIII, 1407) = "" Then

MsgBox "Элемент управления (Label) имеет неправильное имя. Ошибка в шагах 23, 24, 25!", , ""

End If


For IIII = 1 To 13

POMO.Cells(513 + IIII, 1407) = Me.Controls("ComboBox" & CStr(IIII + 13)).Left


For IIII = 1 To 13

If POMO.Cells(513 + IIII, 1407) = "" Then

MsgBox "Элемент управления (ComboBox) имеет неправильное имя. Ошибка в шагах 26, 27, 28!", , ""

End If


End Sub


Sub ZZF3()

On Error Resume Next

Dim IIII As Long

POMO.Range("bbc500:bbc15000").Value = ""

POMO.Cells(500, 1408) = "A"

POMO.Cells(501, 1408) = "B"

POMO.Cells(502, 1408) = "C"

POMO.Cells(503, 1408) = "D"

POMO.Cells(504, 1408) = "E"

POMO.Cells(505, 1408) = "F"

POMO.Cells(506, 1408) = "G"

POMO.Cells(507, 1408) = "H"

POMO.Cells(508, 1408) = "I"

POMO.Cells(509, 1408) = "J"

POMO.Cells(510, 1408) = "K"

POMO.Cells(511, 1408) = "L"

POMO.Cells(512, 1408) = "M"

POMO.Cells(513, 1408) = "N"

For IIII = 1 To 14

POMO.Cells(500 + IIII, 1407) = Me.Controls("SPALT" & POMO.Cells(500 + IIII - 1, 1408)).Left


For IIII = 1 To 14

If POMO.Cells(500 + IIII, 1407) = "" Then

MsgBox "Элемент управления (SPALT) имеет неправильное имя. Ошибка в шагах 30, 31, 32!", , ""

End If


For IIII = 1 To 13

POMO.Cells(514 + IIII, 1407) = Me.Controls("TBB" & CStr(IIII)).Left


For IIII = 1 To 13

If POMO.Cells(514 + IIII, 1407) = "" Then

MsgBox "Элемент управления (TBB) имеет неправильное имя. Ошибка в шагах 34, 35, 36!", , ""

End If


POMO.Cells(528, 1407) = KuNr.Left

If POMO.Cells(528, 1407) = "" Then

MsgBox "Элемент управления (KuNr) имеет неправильное имя. Ошибка в шаге 33!", , ""

End If

POMO.Cells(529, 1407) = ENT.Left

If POMO.Cells(529, 1407) = "" Then

MsgBox "Элемент управления (ENT) имеет неправильное имя. Ошибка в шаге 37!", , ""

End If

POMO.Cells(530, 1407) = ABBBR.Left

If POMO.Cells(530, 1407) = "" Then

MsgBox "Элемент управления (ABBBR) имеет неправильное имя. Ошибка в шаге 38!", , ""

End If

POMO.Cells(531, 1407) = Alloesch.Left

If POMO.Cells(531, 1407) = "" Then

MsgBox "Элемент управления (ALLoesch) имеет неправильное имя. Ошибка в шаге 38!", , ""

End If

POMO.Cells(532, 1407) = EinLo.Left

If POMO.Cells(532, 1407) = "" Then

MsgBox "Элемент управления (EinLo) имеет неправильное имя. Ошибка в шаге 38!", , ""

End If

End Sub

