YouTube Playlist


Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself

List of manufacturing steps and code


0_Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself_How it works

1_Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself_Workbook

2_Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself_Create Input mask

3_Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself_Sheet article

4_Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself_Sheet Journal

5_Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself_Sheet Removal certificate

6_Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself_Sheet Accounts

7_Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself_Sheet Account

8_Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself_Label1

9_Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself_Label2

10_Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself_Label3

11_Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself_Label4 - 5

12_Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself_ComboBox1

13_Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself_CommandButton1

14_Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself_Buttons EELL, AALL, BLFN

15_Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself_CheckBox1

16_Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself_TextBox ENTS

17_Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself_Frame1

18_Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself_Frame2 Frame3

19_Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself_ListBox1

20_Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself_Label6

21_Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself_Label7 - Label12

22_Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself_Label13

23_Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself_Label14

24_Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself_TextBox1

25_Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself_TextBox2 TextBox3

26_Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself_ComboBox2

27_Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself_ComboBox3

28_Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself_CommandButton2

29_Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself_CommandButton3

30_Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself_Label15 - Label20

31_Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself_Label21 - Label22 - ENTSN

32_Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself_ComboBox4 - ComboBox5

33_Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself_TextBox4- TextBox5

34_Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself_CommandButton4- CommandButton5

35_Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself_Label23 - Label28

36_Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself_Label29 - Label30

37_Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself_TextBox6- TextBox7

38_Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself_ComboBox6 - ComboBox7

39_Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself_CommandButton6- CommandButton7

40_Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself_Activation order in Frame1

41_Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself_Activation order in Frame2

42_Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself_Activation order in Frame3

43_Create warehouse management program in Excel VBA with 756 article numbers yourself_Enter code in Userform1









'''1_1_ L756##########

On Error GoTo EERR

Dim BLATBLAT As Integer

For BLATBLAT = 1 To Worksheets.Count


ActiveWindow.View = xlNormalView




Exit Sub


'''1_1_ L756##########





'''2_1_ L756##########


'''2_1_ L756##########





'''2_2_ L756##########


'''2_2_ L756##########





'''3_3_ L756##########

Dim SCHO As Long

For SCHO = 1 To 6

ActiveSheet.Cells(1, SCHO).EntireColumn.AutoFit


Exit Sub


'''3_3_ L756##########







'''4_1_ L756#######################



On Error GoTo ERR

TBB1.BackColor = &HC0FFFF

TBB2.BackColor = &HC0FFFF

KuNr.Enabled = True

KuNr.BackColor = &HC0FFFF

Dim IC As String

IC = CoB1

 If CoB1 > "" Then


End If

If ActiveSheet.Name <> "Zäler" And ActiveSheet.Name <> "POMO" Then

Dim AAAZ As Variant

Dim AAAC As Variant

POMO.[a2] = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

POMO.[a3] = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Column

AAAZ = CDbl(POMO.[a2])

AAAC = CDbl(POMO.[a3])

SPALTA1 = ""

SPALTA2 = ""

SPALTA3 = ""

SPALTA4 = ""

SPALTA5 = ""

SPALTA6 = ""

SPALTA7 = ""

SPALTB1 = ""

SPALTB2 = ""

SPALTB3 = ""

SPALTB4 = ""

SPALTB5 = ""

SPALTB6 = ""

SPALTB7 = ""

SPALTC1 = ""

SPALTC2 = ""

SPALTC3 = ""

SPALTC4 = ""

SPALTC5 = ""

SPALTC6 = ""

SPALTC7 = ""

SPALTD1 = ""

SPALTD2 = ""

SPALTD3 = ""

SPALTD4 = ""

SPALTD5 = ""

SPALTD6 = ""

SPALTD7 = ""

SPALTE1 = ""

SPALTE2 = ""

SPALTE3 = ""

SPALTE4 = ""

SPALTE5 = ""

SPALTE6 = ""

SPALTE7 = ""

SPALTF1 = ""

SPALTF2 = ""

SPALTF3 = ""

SPALTF4 = ""

SPALTF5 = ""

SPALTF6 = ""

SPALTF7 = ""

SPALTG1 = ""

SPALTG2 = ""

SPALTG3 = ""

SPALTG4 = ""

SPALTG5 = ""

SPALTG6 = ""

SPALTG7 = ""








KuNr = ""

TBB1.Value = ""

TBB2.Value = ""

TBB3.Value = ""

TBB4.Value = ""

TBB5.Value = ""

TBB6.Value = ""

POMO.[a1] = ""

POMO.[b1] = ""

POMO.[c1] = ""

POMO.[d1] = ""

POMO.[e1] = ""

POMO.[F1] = ""

POMO.[g1] = ""

POMO.[h1] = ""

POMO.[i1] = ""

POMO.[j1] = ""

POMO.[k1] = ""

POMO.[L1] = ""

POMO.[m1] = ""

If POMO.[a2] < 65536 Then

Dim ††† As Variant

If POMO.[a3] = 1 Then

POMO.[a4] = 0

††† = POMO.[a4]

End If

If POMO.[a3] = 7 Then

POMO.[a4] = 6

††† = POMO.[a4]

End If

SPALTA = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, AAAC + 6).Value

If POMO.[a2] > 8 Then

SPALTA1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 6, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 6, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 6, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 6, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 6, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 6, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 6, AAAC + 6).Value

End If

If POMO.[a2] > 7 Then

SPALTA2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 5, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 5, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 5, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 5, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 5, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 5, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 5, AAAC + 6).Value

End If

If POMO.[a2] > 6 Then

SPALTA3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 4, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 4, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 4, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 4, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 4, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 4, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 4, AAAC + 6).Value

End If

If POMO.[a2] > 5 Then

SPALTA4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 3, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 3, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 3, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 3, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 3, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 3, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 3, AAAC + 6).Value

End If

If POMO.[a2] > 4 Then

SPALTA5 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 2, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB5 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 2, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC5 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 2, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD5 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 2, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE5 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 2, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF5 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 2, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG5 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 2, AAAC + 6).Value

End If

If POMO.[a2] > 3 Then

SPALTA6 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 1, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB6 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 1, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC6 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 1, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD6 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 1, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE6 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 1, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF6 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 1, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG6 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 1, AAAC + 6).Value

End If

If POMO.[a2] > 2 Then

SPALTA7 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB7 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC7 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD7 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE7 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF7 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG7 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 6).Value

End If

 End If

 End If

If ActiveSheet.Name <> "Zäler" And ActiveSheet.Name <> "POMO" Then

TANA = ActiveSheet.Name

End If

Exit Sub


End Sub



Private Sub BLFN_Click()

On Error GoTo EERR

Dim ††† As Long



Selection = ""


Selection.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter


LLLRRR4.[a13].HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft

LLLRRR4.[a13] = "Removal certificate"

LLLRRR4.[d13] = "No.:"

If ENTS.Value <> "" Then

LLLRRR4.[e13] = ENTS.Value


LLLRRR4.[e13] = LLLRRR5.[a2]

End If

LLLRRR4.[a15] = "Position"

LLLRRR4.[b15] = "Date"

LLLRRR4.[c15] = "Article No."

LLLRRR4.[d15] = "Discription"

LLLRRR4.[e15] = "Until"

LLLRRR4.[f15] = "Quantity"

LLLRRR4.[g15] = "Amount"

LLLRRR4.Range("a13:h15").Font.Bold = True

With ActiveSheet.PageSetup

.RightHeader = LLLRRR4.[e13] & ":   &P/&N"

End With

Dim AAAZ As Long

Dim AAAC As Long

Dim AAAF As Object

Dim AAR As Long

Dim AAZZ As Long

Dim SUCHENNN As Variant

Dim SCHET As Long

Dim firstAddress

SCHET = 16

SUCHENNN = "Re:Cer." & LLLRRR4.[e13]

If SUCHENNN <> "" Then

With LLLRRR3.Range("c9:c1048576")

Set AAAF = .Find(SUCHENNN, LookAt:=xlWhole, LookIn:=xlValues)

If Not AAAF Is Nothing Then

firstAddress = AAAF.Address



AAAC = CDbl(AAAF.Column)

LLLRRR4.Cells(SCHET, 1) = SCHET - 15

LLLRRR4.Cells(SCHET, 2) = LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - 1)

LLLRRR4.Cells(SCHET, 3) = LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 1)

LLLRRR4.Cells(SCHET, 4) = LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 2)

LLLRRR4.Cells(SCHET, 5) = LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 3)

LLLRRR4.Cells(SCHET, 6) = LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 4) * -1

LLLRRR4.Cells(SCHET, 7) = LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 5) * -1

Set AAAF = .FindNext(AAAF)


Loop While Not AAAF Is Nothing And AAAF.Address <> firstAddress

End If

End With

Set AAAF = Nothing

End If



For ††† = 1 To 7

LLLRRR4.Cells(15, †††).EntireColumn.AutoFit

Next †††

If LLLRRR4.[g16] <= 0 Then

MsgBox "Removal certificate " & LLLRRR4.[e13] & " does not exist!", 48, "      "

End If

Exit Sub


End Sub


Private Sub CheckBox1_Click()

If CheckBox1 = True Then

ENTS.Visible = True

End If

If CheckBox1 = False Then

ENTS.Visible = False

ENTS.Value = ""

End If

End Sub


Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()

On Error GoTo EERR

Dim AAAC As Long

Dim strSuchen As Variant

Label2.Caption = ""

Label3.Caption = ""

Label4.Caption = ""

Label5.Caption = ""

If ComboBox1.Value <> "" Then

strSuchen = ComboBox1.Value

AAAC = CDbl(LLLRRR2.Range("a3:a758").Find(What:=strSuchen, LookAt:=xlWhole).Row)

Label2.Caption = LLLRRR2.Cells(AAAC, 2)

Label3.Caption = "Quantity: " & LLLRRR2.Cells(AAAC, 4) & " " & LLLRRR2.Cells(AAAC, 3)

Label4.Caption = "Total value: " & Round(LLLRRR2.Cells(AAAC, 5), 2)

Label5.Caption = "Price " & "/" & LLLRRR2.Cells(AAAC, 3) & " " & Round(LLLRRR2.Cells(AAAC, 6), 2)

End If

Exit Sub


ComboBox1.Value = ""

End Sub


Private Sub ComboBox2_Change()

On Error GoTo EERR

Dim AAAC As Long

Dim strSuchen As Variant

Label13.Caption = ""

Label14.Caption = ""

TextBox2.Value = ""

TextBox3.Value = ""

If ComboBox2.Value <> "" Then

strSuchen = ComboBox2.Value

AAAC = CDbl(LLLRRR2.Range("a3:a758").Find(What:=strSuchen, LookAt:=xlWhole).Row)

ComboBox3.Value = LLLRRR2.Cells(AAAC, 2).Value

Label13.Caption = LLLRRR2.Cells(AAAC, 3)

Label14.Caption = Round(LLLRRR2.Cells(AAAC, 6), 2)

ComboBox1.Value = ComboBox2.Value

ComboBox4.Value = ""

ComboBox6.Value = ""


ComboBox3.Value = ""

End If

Exit Sub


ComboBox2.Value = ""

ComboBox3.Value = ""

End Sub


Private Sub ComboBox3_Change()

On Error GoTo EERR

Dim AAAC As Long

Dim strSuchen As Variant

Label13.Caption = ""

Label14.Caption = ""

TextBox2.Value = ""

TextBox3.Value = ""

If ComboBox3.Value <> "" Then

strSuchen = ComboBox3.Value

AAAC = CDbl(LLLRRR2.Range("b3:b758").Find(What:=strSuchen, LookAt:=xlWhole).Row)

ComboBox2.Value = LLLRRR2.Cells(AAAC, 1).Value

Label13.Caption = LLLRRR2.Cells(AAAC, 3)

Label14.Caption = Round(LLLRRR2.Cells(AAAC, 6), 2)


ComboBox2.Value = ""

End If

Exit Sub


ComboBox2.Value = ""

ComboBox3.Value = ""

End Sub


Private Sub ComboBox4_Change()

On Error GoTo EERR

Dim AAAC As Long

Dim strSuchen As Variant

Label21.Caption = ""

Label22.Caption = ""

TextBox4.Value = ""

TextBox5.Value = ""

If ComboBox4.Value <> "" Then

strSuchen = ComboBox4.Value

AAAC = CDbl(LLLRRR2.Range("a3:a758").Find(What:=strSuchen, LookAt:=xlWhole).Row)

ComboBox5.Value = LLLRRR2.Cells(AAAC, 2).Value

Label21.Caption = LLLRRR2.Cells(AAAC, 3)

Label22.Caption = Round(LLLRRR2.Cells(AAAC, 6), 2)

ComboBox1.Value = ComboBox4.Value

ComboBox2.Value = ""

ComboBox6.Value = ""


ComboBox5.Value = ""

End If

Exit Sub


ComboBox4.Value = ""

ComboBox5.Value = ""

End Sub


Private Sub ComboBox5_Change()

On Error GoTo EERR

Dim AAAC As Long

Dim strSuchen As Variant

Label21.Caption = ""

Label22.Caption = ""

TextBox4.Value = ""

TextBox5.Value = ""

If ComboBox5.Value <> "" Then

strSuchen = ComboBox5.Value

AAAC = CDbl(LLLRRR2.Range("b3:b758").Find(What:=strSuchen, LookAt:=xlWhole).Row)

ComboBox4.Value = LLLRRR2.Cells(AAAC, 1).Value

Label21.Caption = LLLRRR2.Cells(AAAC, 3)

Label22.Caption = Round(LLLRRR2.Cells(AAAC, 6), 2)


ComboBox4.Value = ""

End If

Exit Sub


ComboBox4.Value = ""

ComboBox5.Value = ""

End Sub


Private Sub ComboBox6_Change()

On Error GoTo EERR

Dim AAAC As Long

Dim strSuchen As Variant

Label29.Caption = ""

Label30.Caption = ""

TextBox7.Value = ""

If ComboBox6.Value <> "" Then

strSuchen = ComboBox6.Value

AAAC = CDbl(LLLRRR2.Range("a3:a758").Find(What:=strSuchen, LookAt:=xlWhole).Row)

ComboBox7.Value = LLLRRR2.Cells(AAAC, 2).Value

Label29.Caption = LLLRRR2.Cells(AAAC, 3)

Label30.Caption = Round(LLLRRR2.Cells(AAAC, 6), 2)

ComboBox1.Value = ComboBox6.Value

ComboBox4.Value = ""

ComboBox2.Value = ""


ComboBox7.Value = ""

End If

Exit Sub


ComboBox6.Value = ""

ComboBox7.Value = ""

End Sub


Private Sub ComboBox7_Change()

On Error GoTo EERR

Dim AAAC As Long

Dim strSuchen As Variant

Label29.Caption = ""

Label30.Caption = ""

TextBox7.Value = ""

If ComboBox7.Value <> "" Then

strSuchen = ComboBox7.Value

AAAC = CDbl(LLLRRR2.Range("b3:b758").Find(What:=strSuchen, LookAt:=xlWhole).Row)

ComboBox6.Value = LLLRRR2.Cells(AAAC, 1).Value

Label29.Caption = LLLRRR2.Cells(AAAC, 3)

Label30.Caption = Round(LLLRRR2.Cells(AAAC, 6), 2)


ComboBox6.Value = ""

End If

Exit Sub


ComboBox6.Value = ""

ComboBox7.Value = ""

End Sub


Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

On Error GoTo EERR

Dim strSuchen As Variant

Dim SCHOT As Long

Dim AAAC As Long

Dim AAAC2 As Long

Dim AAAZ As Long

If ComboBox1 <> "" Then

LLLRRR6.Range("a1:f65530") = ""

strSuchen = ComboBox1.Value

AAAC = CDbl(LLLRRR2.Range("a3:a758").Find(What:=strSuchen, LookAt:=xlWhole).Row)

AAAC2 = 3 + (AAAC - 3) * 5

For SCHOT = 1 To 6

LLLRRR6.Cells(SCHOT, 1) = LLLRRR5.Cells(SCHOT, 2)


LLLRRR6.Cells(1, 4) = LLLRRR5.Cells(1, AAAC2)

LLLRRR6.Cells(2, 4) = LLLRRR5.Cells(2, AAAC2)

LLLRRR6.Cells(3, 4) = LLLRRR5.Cells(3, AAAC2)

LLLRRR6.Cells(4, 4) = LLLRRR5.Cells(4, AAAC2 + 3)

LLLRRR6.Cells(5, 5) = LLLRRR5.Cells(5, AAAC2 + 4)

LLLRRR6.Cells(6, 4) = LLLRRR5.Cells(6, AAAC2)

For SCHOT = 1 To 5

LLLRRR6.Cells(8, SCHOT) = LLLRRR5.Cells(11, SCHOT - 1 + AAAC2)


For SCHOT = 1 To 10000

If LLLRRR5.Cells(SCHOT - 1 + 12, AAAC2) <> "" Then

AAAZ = CDbl(LLLRRR6.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row) + 1

LLLRRR6.Cells(AAAZ, 1) = LLLRRR5.Cells(SCHOT - 1 + 12, AAAC2)

LLLRRR6.Cells(AAAZ, 2) = LLLRRR5.Cells(SCHOT - 1 + 12, AAAC2 + 1)

LLLRRR6.Cells(AAAZ, 3) = LLLRRR5.Cells(SCHOT - 1 + 12, AAAC2 + 2)

LLLRRR6.Cells(AAAZ, 4) = LLLRRR5.Cells(SCHOT - 1 + 12, AAAC2 + 3)

LLLRRR6.Cells(AAAZ, 5) = LLLRRR5.Cells(SCHOT - 1 + 12, AAAC2 + 4)

End If


LLLRRR6.Name = "No_" & LLLRRR6.[d1]



ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).EntireColumn.AutoFit

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 2).ColumnWidth = 20

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 3).EntireColumn.AutoFit

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 4).ColumnWidth = 20

ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 5).EntireColumn.AutoFit

With ActiveSheet.PageSetup

.RightHeader = ActiveSheet.Name & ":   &P/&N"

End With


Unload UserForm1

End If

Exit Sub


End Sub


Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()

On Error GoTo EERR




If LLLRRR3.[a65530] <> "" Then

MsgBox "The Journal is full!", 48, "    "


Exit Sub

End If

If TextBox1.Value = "" Then

MsgBox "Document is not registered!", 48, "    "


Exit Sub

End If

If ComboBox2.Value = "" Then

MsgBox "Article number is not registered!", 48, "    "


Exit Sub

End If

Dim AAAZ As Long

Dim AAAR As Long

Dim AAAZ2 As Long

Dim strSuchen As Variant

LLLRRR3.[a11] = 0

AAAZ = CDbl(LLLRRR3.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row) + 1

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 1) = LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ - 1, 1) + 1

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 1).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 2) = Date

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 2) = Format(Date, "")

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 2).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 3) = TextBox1.Value

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 3).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 4) = ComboBox2.Value

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 4).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 5) = ComboBox3.Value

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 5).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 6) = Label13.Caption

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 6).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 7) = CDbl(TextBox2.Value)

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 7).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 8) = Round(CDbl(TextBox3.Value), 2)

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 8).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

strSuchen = ComboBox1.Value

AAAZ2 = CDbl(LLLRRR2.Range("a3:a758").Find(What:=strSuchen, LookAt:=xlWhole).Row)

AAAR = 3 + (AAAZ2 - 3) * 5


LLLRRR5.Cells(AAAZ, AAAR).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

LLLRRR5.Cells(AAAZ, AAAR + 1) = LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 2)

LLLRRR5.Cells(AAAZ, AAAR + 1) = Format(Date, "")

LLLRRR5.Cells(AAAZ, AAAR + 1).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

LLLRRR5.Cells(AAAZ, AAAR + 2) = LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 3)

LLLRRR5.Cells(AAAZ, AAAR + 2).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

LLLRRR5.Cells(AAAZ, AAAR + 3) = LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 7)

LLLRRR5.Cells(AAAZ, AAAR + 3).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

LLLRRR5.Cells(AAAZ, AAAR + 4) = LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 8)

LLLRRR5.Cells(AAAZ, AAAR + 4).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

LLLRRR5.Cells(4, AAAR + 3).FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(R[8]C:R[65526]C)"

LLLRRR5.Cells(5, AAAR + 4).FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(R[7]C:R[65525]C)"

LLLRRR5.Cells(4, AAAR + 3) = LLLRRR5.Cells(4, AAAR + 3).Value

LLLRRR5.Cells(5, AAAR + 4) = LLLRRR5.Cells(5, AAAR + 4).Value

If LLLRRR5.Cells(4, AAAR + 3) > 0 Then

LLLRRR5.Cells(6, AAAR) = Round(LLLRRR5.Cells(5, AAAR + 4) / LLLRRR5.Cells(4, AAAR + 3), 2)


LLLRRR5.Cells(6, AAAR) = 0

End If

Dim SCHOT As Integer

For SCHOT = 3 To 758

If LLLRRR5.Cells(4, 3 + ((SCHOT - 3) * 5) + 3) <> LLLRRR2.Cells(SCHOT, 4) Then

LLLRRR2.Cells(SCHOT, 4) = LLLRRR5.Cells(4, 3 + ((SCHOT - 3) * 5) + 3)

End If

If LLLRRR5.Cells(5, 3 + ((SCHOT - 3) * 5) + 4) <> LLLRRR2.Cells(SCHOT, 5) Then

LLLRRR2.Cells(SCHOT, 5) = LLLRRR5.Cells(5, 3 + ((SCHOT - 3) * 5) + 4)

End If

If LLLRRR5.Cells(6, 3 + ((SCHOT - 3) * 5)) <> LLLRRR2.Cells(SCHOT, 6) Then

LLLRRR2.Cells(SCHOT, 6) = LLLRRR5.Cells(6, 3 + ((SCHOT - 3) * 5))

End If



ListBox1.RowSource = .Range(.Cells(11, 1), .Cells(.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row, 8)).Address(External:=True)

ListBox1.ListIndex = ListBox1.ListCount - 1

End With

ComboBox1.Value = "_"

ComboBox1.Value = ComboBox2.Value

TextBox2.Value = ""

TextBox3.Value = ""

Exit Sub


End Sub


Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()

On Error GoTo EERR

TextBox1.Value = ""

ComboBox2.Value = ""

Exit Sub


End Sub


Private Sub CommandButton4_Click()

On Error GoTo EERR




If LLLRRR3.[a65530] <> "" Then

MsgBox "The Journal is full!", 48, "    "


Exit Sub

End If

If ComboBox4.Value = "" Then

MsgBox "Article number is not registered!", 48, "    "


Exit Sub

End If

If TextBox4.Value = "" Then

MsgBox "Menge ist nicht eingetragen!", 48, "    "


Exit Sub

End If

Dim AAAZ As Long

Dim AAAR As Long

Dim ††† As Long

Dim strSuchen As Variant

strSuchen = ComboBox1.Value

††† = CDbl(LLLRRR2.Range("a3:a758").Find(What:=strSuchen, LookAt:=xlWhole).Row)

If LLLRRR2.Cells(†††, 4) <= 0 Then

MsgBox "Stock of the item is zero!", 48, "    "


Exit Sub

End If

If LLLRRR2.Cells(†††, 4) - CDbl(TextBox4) < 0 Then

MsgBox "Article inventory is less than withdrawal amount!", 48, "    "


Exit Sub

End If

LLLRRR3.[a11] = 0

AAAZ = CDbl(LLLRRR3.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row) + 1

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 1) = LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ - 1, 1) + 1

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 1).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 2) = Date

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 2) = Format(Date, "")

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 2).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 3) = "Re:Cer." & LLLRRR5.[a2]

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 3).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 4) = ComboBox4.Value

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 4).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 5) = ComboBox5.Value

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 5).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 6) = Label21.Caption

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 6).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 7) = CDbl(TextBox4.Value) * -1

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 7).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 8) = CDbl(TextBox4.Value) * CDbl(Label22.Caption)

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 8) = Round(LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 8), 2) * -1


LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 8).Select

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 8).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

AAAR = 3 + (††† - 3) * 5


LLLRRR5.Cells(AAAZ, AAAR).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

LLLRRR5.Cells(AAAZ, AAAR + 1) = LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 2)

LLLRRR5.Cells(AAAZ, AAAR + 1) = Format(Date, "")

LLLRRR5.Cells(AAAZ, AAAR + 1).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

LLLRRR5.Cells(AAAZ, AAAR + 2) = LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 3)

LLLRRR5.Cells(AAAZ, AAAR + 2).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

LLLRRR5.Cells(AAAZ, AAAR + 3) = LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 7)

LLLRRR5.Cells(AAAZ, AAAR + 3).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

LLLRRR5.Cells(AAAZ, AAAR + 4) = LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 8)

LLLRRR5.Cells(AAAZ, AAAR + 4).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

LLLRRR5.Cells(4, AAAR + 3).FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(R[8]C:R[65526]C)"

LLLRRR5.Cells(5, AAAR + 4).FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(R[7]C:R[65525]C)"

LLLRRR5.Cells(4, AAAR + 3) = LLLRRR5.Cells(4, AAAR + 3).Value

LLLRRR5.Cells(5, AAAR + 4) = LLLRRR5.Cells(5, AAAR + 4).Value

If LLLRRR5.Cells(4, AAAR + 3) > 0 Then

LLLRRR5.Cells(6, AAAR) = Round(LLLRRR5.Cells(5, AAAR + 4) / LLLRRR5.Cells(4, AAAR + 3), 2)


LLLRRR5.Cells(6, AAAR) = 0

End If

Dim SCHOT As Integer

For SCHOT = 3 To 758

If LLLRRR5.Cells(4, 3 + ((SCHOT - 3) * 5) + 3) <> LLLRRR2.Cells(SCHOT, 4) Then

LLLRRR2.Cells(SCHOT, 4) = LLLRRR5.Cells(4, 3 + ((SCHOT - 3) * 5) + 3)

End If

If LLLRRR5.Cells(5, 3 + ((SCHOT - 3) * 5) + 4) <> LLLRRR2.Cells(SCHOT, 5) Then

LLLRRR2.Cells(SCHOT, 5) = LLLRRR5.Cells(5, 3 + ((SCHOT - 3) * 5) + 4)

End If

If LLLRRR5.Cells(6, 3 + ((SCHOT - 3) * 5)) <> LLLRRR2.Cells(SCHOT, 6) Then

LLLRRR2.Cells(SCHOT, 6) = LLLRRR5.Cells(6, 3 + ((SCHOT - 3) * 5))

End If



ListBox1.RowSource = .Range(.Cells(11, 1), .Cells(.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row, 8)).Address(External:=True)

ListBox1.ListIndex = ListBox1.ListCount - 1

End With

ComboBox1.Value = "_"

ComboBox1.Value = ComboBox4.Value

TextBox4.Value = ""

TextBox5.Value = ""

Exit Sub


End Sub


Sub CommaaandButton5()

On Error GoTo ERR

TBB1.BackColor = &HC0FFFF

TBB2.BackColor = &HC0FFFF

KuNr.Enabled = True

KuNr.BackColor = &HC0FFFF

Dim IC As String

IC = CoB1

 If CoB1 > "" Then


End If

If ActiveSheet.Name <> "Zäler" And ActiveSheet.Name <> "POMO" Then

Dim AAAZ As Variant

Dim AAAC As Variant

POMO.[a2] = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

POMO.[a3] = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Column

AAAZ = CDbl(POMO.[a2])

AAAC = CDbl(POMO.[a3])

SPALTA1 = ""

SPALTA2 = ""

SPALTA3 = ""

SPALTA4 = ""

SPALTA5 = ""

SPALTA6 = ""

SPALTA7 = ""

SPALTB1 = ""

SPALTB2 = ""

SPALTB3 = ""

SPALTB4 = ""

SPALTB5 = ""

SPALTB6 = ""

SPALTB7 = ""

SPALTC1 = ""

SPALTC2 = ""

SPALTC3 = ""

SPALTC4 = ""

SPALTC5 = ""

SPALTC6 = ""

SPALTC7 = ""

SPALTD1 = ""

SPALTD2 = ""

SPALTD3 = ""

SPALTD4 = ""

SPALTD5 = ""

SPALTD6 = ""

SPALTD7 = ""

SPALTE1 = ""

SPALTE2 = ""

SPALTE3 = ""

SPALTE4 = ""

SPALTE5 = ""

SPALTE6 = ""

SPALTE7 = ""

SPALTF1 = ""

SPALTF2 = ""

SPALTF3 = ""

SPALTF4 = ""

SPALTF5 = ""

SPALTF6 = ""

SPALTF7 = ""

SPALTG1 = ""

SPALTG2 = ""

SPALTG3 = ""

SPALTG4 = ""

SPALTG5 = ""

SPALTG6 = ""

SPALTG7 = ""








KuNr = ""

TBB1.Value = ""

TBB2.Value = ""

TBB3.Value = ""

TBB4.Value = ""

TBB5.Value = ""

TBB6.Value = ""

POMO.[a1] = ""

POMO.[b1] = ""

POMO.[c1] = ""

POMO.[d1] = ""

POMO.[e1] = ""

POMO.[F1] = ""

POMO.[g1] = ""

POMO.[h1] = ""

POMO.[i1] = ""

POMO.[j1] = ""

POMO.[k1] = ""

POMO.[L1] = ""

POMO.[m1] = ""

If POMO.[a2] < 65536 Then

Dim ††† As Variant

If POMO.[a3] = 1 Then

POMO.[a4] = 0

††† = POMO.[a4]

End If

If POMO.[a3] = 7 Then

POMO.[a4] = 6

††† = POMO.[a4]

End If

SPALTA = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, AAAC + 6).Value

If POMO.[a2] > 8 Then

SPALTA1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 6, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 6, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 6, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 6, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 6, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 6, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 6, AAAC + 6).Value

End If

If POMO.[a2] > 7 Then

SPALTA2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 5, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 5, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 5, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 5, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 5, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 5, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 5, AAAC + 6).Value

End If

If POMO.[a2] > 6 Then

SPALTA3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 4, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 4, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 4, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 4, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 4, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 4, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 4, AAAC + 6).Value

End If

If POMO.[a2] > 5 Then

SPALTA4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 3, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 3, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 3, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 3, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 3, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 3, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 3, AAAC + 6).Value

End If

If POMO.[a2] > 4 Then

SPALTA5 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 2, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB5 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 2, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC5 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 2, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD5 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 2, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE5 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 2, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF5 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 2, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG5 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 2, AAAC + 6).Value

End If

If POMO.[a2] > 3 Then

SPALTA6 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 1, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB6 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 1, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC6 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 1, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD6 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 1, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE6 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 1, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF6 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 1, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG6 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 1, AAAC + 6).Value

End If

If POMO.[a2] > 2 Then

SPALTA7 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB7 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC7 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD7 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE7 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF7 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG7 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 6).Value

End If

 End If

 End If

If ActiveSheet.Name <> "Zäler" And ActiveSheet.Name <> "POMO" Then

TANA = ActiveSheet.Name

End If

Exit Sub


End Sub



Sub trkrch()

On Error GoTo EERR

If LLLRRR1.Cells(1961, 1962) <> Date Then

LLLRRR1.Cells(1961, 1962) = Date

ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink Address:="", NewWindow:=True

End If

Exit Sub


End Sub



Private Sub CommandButton5_Click()

On Error GoTo EERR

Dim AAAA As Variant


Unload Me

AAAA = MsgBox("Would you like to delete the contents of the withdrawal form and issue a new withdrawal number?", vbYesNo, "      Entnahmescheinnummer")

If AAAA = vbYes Then

ActiveSheet.Range("a16:g65536").Value = ""

LLLRRR5.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Value = 1

LLLRRR5.[a2].FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(R[1]C:R[65534]C)"

LLLRRR5.[a2] = LLLRRR5.[a2]

ActiveSheet.[e13] = LLLRRR5.[a2]

If LLLRRR5.[a65522] > 0 Then

LLLRRR5.Range("a2:a65525").Value = ""

LLLRRR5.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Value = 1

ActiveSheet.[e13] = LLLRRR5.[a2]

End If

End If

Exit Sub


End Sub


Private Sub CommandButton6_Click()

On Error GoTo EERR



If LLLRRR3.[a65530] <> "" Then

MsgBox "The Journal is full!", 48, "    "


Exit Sub

End If

If TextBox6.Value = "" Then

MsgBox "Document is not registered!", 48, "    "


Exit Sub

End If

If ComboBox6.Value = "" Then

MsgBox "Article number is not registered!", 48, "    "


Exit Sub

End If

If TextBox7.Value = "" Then

MsgBox "Amount is not registered!", 48, "    "


Exit Sub

End If

Dim AAAZ As Long

Dim AAAR As Long

Dim AAAZ2 As Long

Dim strSuchen As Variant

LLLRRR3.[a11] = 0

AAAZ = CDbl(LLLRRR3.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row) + 1

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 1) = LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ - 1, 1) + 1

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 1).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 2) = Date

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 2) = Format(Date, "")

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 2).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 3) = TextBox6.Value

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 3).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 4) = ComboBox6.Value

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 4).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 5) = ComboBox7.Value

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 5).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 6) = Label29.Caption

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 6).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 8) = Round(CDbl(TextBox7.Value), 2) * -1

LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 8).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

strSuchen = ComboBox1.Value

AAAZ2 = CDbl(LLLRRR2.Range("a3:a758").Find(What:=strSuchen, LookAt:=xlWhole).Row)

AAAR = 3 + (AAAZ2 - 3) * 5


LLLRRR5.Cells(AAAZ, AAAR).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

LLLRRR5.Cells(AAAZ, AAAR + 1) = LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 2)

LLLRRR5.Cells(AAAZ, AAAR + 1) = Format(Date, "")

LLLRRR5.Cells(AAAZ, AAAR + 1).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

LLLRRR5.Cells(AAAZ, AAAR + 2) = LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 3)

LLLRRR5.Cells(AAAZ, AAAR + 2).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

LLLRRR5.Cells(AAAZ, AAAR + 4) = LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 8)

LLLRRR5.Cells(AAAZ, AAAR + 4).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

LLLRRR5.Cells(4, AAAR + 3).FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(R[8]C:R[65526]C)"

LLLRRR5.Cells(5, AAAR + 4).FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(R[7]C:R[65525]C)"

LLLRRR5.Cells(4, AAAR + 3) = LLLRRR5.Cells(4, AAAR + 3).Value

LLLRRR5.Cells(5, AAAR + 4) = LLLRRR5.Cells(5, AAAR + 4).Value

If LLLRRR5.Cells(4, AAAR + 3) > 0 Then

LLLRRR5.Cells(6, AAAR) = Round(LLLRRR5.Cells(5, AAAR + 4) / LLLRRR5.Cells(4, AAAR + 3), 2)


LLLRRR5.Cells(6, AAAR) = 0

End If

Dim SCHOT As Integer

For SCHOT = 3 To 758

If LLLRRR5.Cells(4, 3 + ((SCHOT - 3) * 5) + 3) <> LLLRRR2.Cells(SCHOT, 4) Then

LLLRRR2.Cells(SCHOT, 4) = LLLRRR5.Cells(4, 3 + ((SCHOT - 3) * 5) + 3)

End If

If LLLRRR5.Cells(5, 3 + ((SCHOT - 3) * 5) + 4) <> LLLRRR2.Cells(SCHOT, 5) Then

LLLRRR2.Cells(SCHOT, 5) = LLLRRR5.Cells(5, 3 + ((SCHOT - 3) * 5) + 4)

End If

If LLLRRR5.Cells(6, 3 + ((SCHOT - 3) * 5)) <> LLLRRR2.Cells(SCHOT, 6) Then

LLLRRR2.Cells(SCHOT, 6) = LLLRRR5.Cells(6, 3 + ((SCHOT - 3) * 5))

End If



ListBox1.RowSource = .Range(.Cells(11, 1), .Cells(.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row, 8)).Address(External:=True)

ListBox1.ListIndex = ListBox1.ListCount - 1

End With

ComboBox1.Value = "_"

ComboBox1.Value = ComboBox6.Value

TextBox7.Value = ""


Exit Sub


End Sub


Private Sub CommandButton7_Click()

On Error GoTo EERR

ComboBox6.Value = ""

TextBox6.Value = ""

TextBox7.Value = ""

Exit Sub


End Sub


Private Sub EELL_Click()

On Error GoTo EERR


Unload Me

Dim AAAA As Variant

   Dim strSuchen As Variant

   Dim strFrage As Double

AAAA = MsgBox("" & "Do you really want to delete an entry?" _

  & "", vbYesNo, "       Delete entry")

        If AAAA = vbNo Then

         Exit Sub


      End If

      strSuchen = Application.InputBox _

("Password:", "       Delete entry ")

   If strSuchen <> 3 Then

     MS = MsgBox("The password is wrong!", , "       Delete entry")

   Exit Sub


End If

   strSuchen = Application.InputBox _

("Please enter the desired ID number on", "       Delete entry ")

   If strSuchen = False Then

       AAAA = MsgBox("This ID no. is not present!", , "       Delete entry")

       Exit Sub

       End If

   If strSuchen = 0 Then

       AAAA = MsgBox("This ID No. (0) does not exist!", , "       Delete entry")

       Exit Sub

       End If

     If strSuchen = "" Then

       AAAA = MsgBox("Please enter ID no. on!", , "       Delete entry")

       Exit Sub

       End If

If strSuchen = False Then

Exit Sub


           ActiveSheet.Range("a11:a65530").Cells.Find(What:=strSuchen, LookAt:=xlWhole).Activate

      strFrage = MsgBox("Should this entry be: " & _

                  "Art.-No-" & ActiveCell.Value & "; " & _

                 "Date-" & ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1) & "; " & _

                  "Document-" & ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2) & "; " & _

                  "really be deleted?", _

                 vbYesNo, "       Delete entry")

If strFrage = vbNo Then

Exit Sub

ElseIf strFrage = vbYes Then

Dim AAAZ As Long

Dim AAAZ2 As Long

Dim AAAR As Long

AAAZ = CDbl(ActiveCell.Row)

AAAZ2 = CDbl(LLLRRR2.Range("a3:a758").Find(What:=LLLRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 4), LookAt:=xlWhole).Row)

AAAR = 3 + (AAAZ2 - 3) * 5

LLLRRR5.Cells(AAAZ, AAAR) = ""

LLLRRR5.Cells(AAAZ, AAAR + 1) = ""

LLLRRR5.Cells(AAAZ, AAAR + 2) = ""

LLLRRR5.Cells(AAAZ, AAAR + 3) = ""

LLLRRR5.Cells(AAAZ, AAAR + 4) = ""

LLLRRR5.Cells(4, AAAR + 3).FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(R[8]C:R[65526]C)"

LLLRRR5.Cells(5, AAAR + 4).FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(R[7]C:R[65525]C)"

LLLRRR5.Cells(4, AAAR + 3) = LLLRRR5.Cells(4, AAAR + 3).Value

LLLRRR5.Cells(5, AAAR + 4) = LLLRRR5.Cells(5, AAAR + 4).Value

If LLLRRR5.Cells(4, AAAR + 3) > 0 Then

LLLRRR5.Cells(6, AAAR) = Round(LLLRRR5.Cells(5, AAAR + 4) / LLLRRR5.Cells(4, AAAR + 3), 2)


LLLRRR5.Cells(6, AAAR) = 0

End If



LLLRRR5.Cells(AAAZ, AAAR).Select


AAAA = MsgBox("This ID no. is not present!!", , "       Delete entry")

End If

End If


Exit Sub



AAAA = MsgBox("This ID no. is not present!!", , "       Delete entry")

End Sub


Private Sub AALL_Click()

On Error GoTo EERR

Unload Me

Dim AAAA As Variant

AAAA = MsgBox("" & "Do you really want to delete all booking records?" & " " & "", vbYesNo, "       Delete all")

If AAAA = vbNo Then

Exit Sub


End If

strSuchen = Application.InputBox("Password:", "       Delete all ")

If strSuchen <> 3 Then

AAAA = MsgBox("The password is wrong!", , "       Delete all")

Exit Sub


End If

LLLRRR3.Range("a12:h65530") = ""

LLLRRR4.Range("a16:i65530") = ""

LLLRRR5.Range("c12:eol65530") = ""

LLLRRR5.Range("c1:eol10") = ""

LLLRRR5.Range("a2:a65525").Value = ""

LLLRRR5.[a2] = 1

LLLRRR5.[a3] = 1

MsgBox "Everything is deleted!", 48, "    "


End Sub


Private Sub ENTS_Change()

On Error GoTo EERR

If ENTS.Value <> "" Then

BLFN.BackColor = &HFF00&


BLFN.BackColor = &HFFFF&

End If

Exit Sub


End Sub


Private Sub TextBox2_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)

On Error GoTo EERR

If TextBox2.Value > 0 Then

TextBox2.Value = CDbl(TextBox2.Value) * 1

End If

If TextBox2.Value < 0 Then

TextBox1.Value = ""

TextBox2.Value = ""

End If

Exit Sub


TextBox2.Value = ""

TextBox1.Value = ""

End Sub


Private Sub TextBox3_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)

On Error GoTo EERR

If TextBox3.Value > 0 Then

TextBox3.Value = CDbl(TextBox3.Value) * 1

End If

If TextBox3.Value < 0 Then

TextBox1.Value = ""

TextBox3.Value = ""

End If

Exit Sub


TextBox3.Value = ""

TextBox1.Value = ""

End Sub


Private Sub TextBox4_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)

On Error GoTo EERR

If TextBox4.Value > 0 Then

TextBox5.Value = CDbl(TextBox4.Value) * CDbl(Label22.Caption)

End If

If TextBox4.Value <= 0 Then

TextBox4.Value = ""

End If

Exit Sub


TextBox4.Value = ""

End Sub


Private Sub TextBox7_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)

On Error GoTo EERR

If TextBox7.Value > 0 Then

TextBox7.Value = CDbl(TextBox7.Value) * 1

End If

If TextBox7.Value < 0 Then

TextBox7.Value = ""

End If

Exit Sub


TextBox7.Value = ""

End Sub


Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

LLLRRR5.[a3] = 1


On Error GoTo EERR

With UserForm1

.Height = 431

.Width = 600

End With

Dim SCHOT As Integer

For SCHOT = 3 To 758

If LLLRRR2.Cells(SCHOT, 1) <> LLLRRR5.Cells(1, 3 + ((SCHOT - 3) * 5)) Then

LLLRRR5.Cells(1, 3 + ((SCHOT - 3) * 5)) = LLLRRR2.Cells(SCHOT, 1)

End If

If LLLRRR2.Cells(SCHOT, 2) <> LLLRRR5.Cells(2, 3 + ((SCHOT - 3) * 5)) Then

LLLRRR5.Cells(2, 3 + ((SCHOT - 3) * 5)) = LLLRRR2.Cells(SCHOT, 2)

End If

If LLLRRR2.Cells(SCHOT, 3) <> LLLRRR5.Cells(3, 3 + ((SCHOT - 3) * 5)) Then

LLLRRR5.Cells(3, 3 + ((SCHOT - 3) * 5)) = LLLRRR2.Cells(SCHOT, 3)

End If

If LLLRRR5.Cells(4, 3 + ((SCHOT - 3) * 5) + 3) <> LLLRRR2.Cells(SCHOT, 4) Then

LLLRRR2.Cells(SCHOT, 4) = LLLRRR5.Cells(4, 3 + ((SCHOT - 3) * 5) + 3)

End If

If LLLRRR5.Cells(5, 3 + ((SCHOT - 3) * 5) + 4) <> LLLRRR2.Cells(SCHOT, 5) Then

LLLRRR2.Cells(SCHOT, 5) = LLLRRR5.Cells(5, 3 + ((SCHOT - 3) * 5) + 4)

End If

If LLLRRR5.Cells(6, 3 + ((SCHOT - 3) * 5)) <> LLLRRR2.Cells(SCHOT, 6) Then

LLLRRR2.Cells(SCHOT, 6) = LLLRRR5.Cells(6, 3 + ((SCHOT - 3) * 5))

End If



ComboBox1.RowSource = .Range(.Cells(3, 1), .Cells(.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row, 1)).Address(External:=True)

End With


ListBox1.RowSource = .Range(.Cells(11, 1), .Cells(.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row, 8)).Address(External:=True)

ListBox1.ListIndex = ListBox1.ListCount - 1

End With


ComboBox2.RowSource = .Range(.Cells(3, 1), .Cells(.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row, 1)).Address(External:=True)

End With


ComboBox3.RowSource = .Range(.Cells(3, 2), .Cells(.Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row, 2)).Address(External:=True)

End With


ComboBox4.RowSource = .Range(.Cells(3, 1), .Cells(.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row, 1)).Address(External:=True)

End With


ComboBox5.RowSource = .Range(.Cells(3, 2), .Cells(.Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row, 2)).Address(External:=True)

End With


ComboBox6.RowSource = .Range(.Cells(3, 1), .Cells(.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row, 1)).Address(External:=True)

End With

Call trkrch


ComboBox7.RowSource = .Range(.Cells(3, 2), .Cells(.Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row, 2)).Address(External:=True)

End With

If LLLRRR5.[a2] = "" Then

LLLRRR5.[a2] = 1

End If

ENTSN.Caption = LLLRRR5.[a2]

Exit Sub


End Sub



On Error Resume Next

Dim SCHRI As String

Dim TSCH As Long

Dim ††† As Long

SCHRI = ""


If SCHRI = "" Then

MsgBox "Error in step 3!", , ""

End If

SCHRI = ""


If SCHRI = "" Then

MsgBox "Error in step 4!", , ""

End If

SCHRI = ""


If SCHRI <> "Removal certificate" Then

MsgBox "Error in step 5!", , ""

End If

SCHRI = ""


If SCHRI = "" Then

MsgBox "Error in step 6!", , ""

End If

SCHRI = ""


If SCHRI = "" Then

MsgBox "Error in step 7!", , ""

End If

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Label1.Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 8!", , ""

End If

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Label2.Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 9!", , ""

End If

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Label3.Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 10!", , ""

End If

For ††† = 4 To 5

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 11!", , ""

End If

Next †††

TSCH = 0

TSCH = ComboBox1.Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 12!", , ""

End If

TSCH = 0

TSCH = CommandButton1.Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 13!", , ""

End If

TSCH = 0


If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 14!", , ""

End If

TSCH = 0


If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 14!", , ""

End If

TSCH = 0


If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 14!", , ""

End If

TSCH = 0

TSCH = CheckBox1.Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 15!", , ""

End If

TSCH = 0


If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 16!", , ""

End If

For ††† = 1 To 3

TSCH = 1

TSCH = Me.Controls("Frame" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH = 1 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 17-18!", , ""

End If

Next †††

TSCH = 11

TSCH = ListBox1.Left

If TSCH = 11 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 19!", , ""

End If

For ††† = 6 To 12

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 20-21!", , ""

End If

Next †††

For ††† = 13 To 14

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 22-23!", , ""

End If

Next †††

For ††† = 1 To 3

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Me.Controls("TextBox" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 24-25!", , ""

End If

Next †††

For ††† = 2 To 3

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Me.Controls("ComboBox" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 26-27!", , ""

End If

Next †††

For ††† = 2 To 3

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Me.Controls("CommandButton" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 28-29!", , ""

End If

Next †††

For ††† = 15 To 20

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 30!", , ""

End If

Next †††

For ††† = 21 To 22

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 31!", , ""

End If

Next †††

TSCH = 0


If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 31!", , ""

End If

For ††† = 4 To 5

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Me.Controls("ComboBox" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 32!", , ""

End If

Next †††

For ††† = 4 To 5

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Me.Controls("TextBox" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 33!", , ""

End If

Next †††

For ††† = 4 To 5

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Me.Controls("CommandButton" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 34!", , ""

End If

Next †††

For ††† = 23 To 28

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 35!", , ""

End If

Next †††

For ††† = 29 To 30

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 36!", , ""

End If

Next †††

For ††† = 6 To 7

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Me.Controls("TextBox" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 37!", , ""

End If

Next †††

For ††† = 6 To 7

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Me.Controls("ComboBox" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 38!", , ""

End If

Next †††

For ††† = 6 To 7

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Me.Controls("CommandButton" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 39!", , ""

End If

Next †††

End Sub



On Error GoTo ERR

TBB1.BackColor = &HC0FFFF

TBB2.BackColor = &HC0FFFF

KuNr.Enabled = True

KuNr.BackColor = &HC0FFFF

Dim IC As String

IC = CoB1

 If CoB1 > "" Then


End If

If ActiveSheet.Name <> "Zäler" And ActiveSheet.Name <> "POMO" Then

Dim AAAZ As Variant

Dim AAAC As Variant

POMO.[a2] = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

POMO.[a3] = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Column

AAAZ = CDbl(POMO.[a2])

AAAC = CDbl(POMO.[a3])

SPALTA1 = ""

SPALTA2 = ""

SPALTA3 = ""

SPALTA4 = ""

SPALTA5 = ""

SPALTA6 = ""

SPALTA7 = ""

SPALTB1 = ""

SPALTB2 = ""

SPALTB3 = ""

SPALTB4 = ""

SPALTB5 = ""

SPALTB6 = ""

SPALTB7 = ""

SPALTC1 = ""

SPALTC2 = ""

SPALTC3 = ""

SPALTC4 = ""

SPALTC5 = ""

SPALTC6 = ""

SPALTC7 = ""

SPALTD1 = ""

SPALTD2 = ""

SPALTD3 = ""

SPALTD4 = ""

SPALTD5 = ""

SPALTD6 = ""

SPALTD7 = ""

SPALTE1 = ""

SPALTE2 = ""

SPALTE3 = ""

SPALTE4 = ""

SPALTE5 = ""

SPALTE6 = ""

SPALTE7 = ""

SPALTF1 = ""

SPALTF2 = ""

SPALTF3 = ""

SPALTF4 = ""

SPALTF5 = ""

SPALTF6 = ""

SPALTF7 = ""

SPALTG1 = ""

SPALTG2 = ""

SPALTG3 = ""

SPALTG4 = ""

SPALTG5 = ""

SPALTG6 = ""

SPALTG7 = ""








KuNr = ""

TBB1.Value = ""

TBB2.Value = ""

TBB3.Value = ""

TBB4.Value = ""

TBB5.Value = ""

TBB6.Value = ""

POMO.[a1] = ""

POMO.[b1] = ""

POMO.[c1] = ""

POMO.[d1] = ""

POMO.[e1] = ""

POMO.[F1] = ""

POMO.[g1] = ""

POMO.[h1] = ""

POMO.[i1] = ""

POMO.[j1] = ""

POMO.[k1] = ""

POMO.[L1] = ""

POMO.[m1] = ""

If POMO.[a2] < 65536 Then

Dim ††† As Variant

If POMO.[a3] = 1 Then

POMO.[a4] = 0

††† = POMO.[a4]

End If

If POMO.[a3] = 7 Then

POMO.[a4] = 6

††† = POMO.[a4]

End If

SPALTA = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, AAAC + 6).Value

If POMO.[a2] > 8 Then

SPALTA1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 6, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 6, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 6, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 6, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 6, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 6, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 6, AAAC + 6).Value

End If

If POMO.[a2] > 7 Then

SPALTA2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 5, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 5, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 5, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 5, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 5, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 5, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 5, AAAC + 6).Value

End If

If POMO.[a2] > 6 Then

SPALTA3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 4, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 4, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 4, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 4, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 4, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 4, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 4, AAAC + 6).Value

End If

If POMO.[a2] > 5 Then

SPALTA4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 3, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 3, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 3, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 3, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 3, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 3, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 3, AAAC + 6).Value

End If

If POMO.[a2] > 4 Then

SPALTA5 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 2, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB5 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 2, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC5 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 2, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD5 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 2, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE5 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 2, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF5 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 2, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG5 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 2, AAAC + 6).Value

End If

If POMO.[a2] > 3 Then

SPALTA6 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 1, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB6 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 1, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC6 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 1, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD6 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 1, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE6 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 1, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF6 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 1, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG6 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 1, AAAC + 6).Value

End If

If POMO.[a2] > 2 Then

SPALTA7 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB7 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC7 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD7 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE7 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF7 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG7 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 6).Value

End If

 End If

 End If

If ActiveSheet.Name <> "Zäler" And ActiveSheet.Name <> "POMO" Then

TANA = ActiveSheet.Name

End If

Exit Sub


End Sub


'''4_1_ L756#######################